Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Era Valdivia Contractors Inc., Chicago, Illinois, for the Brooks Farm Water Tower Rehabilitation Project in an estimated amount of $471,300.
Staff Summary
• Lake County desires to enter into a contract with Era Valdivia Contractors Inc., for the Brooks Farm Water Tower Rehabilitation Project.
• There is a need to repair portions of the steel tank and to remove the existing paint and apply new paint coatings to the 400,000-gallon elevated water tower on North Barberry Court, Unincorporated Round Lake, Illinois.
• An invitation to bid was issued and extended to five vendors and sealed bids were received from five vendors, ranging from $397,850 to $643,152, the apparent low bidder was deemed non-responsive.
• Era Valdivia Contractors, Inc, was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder who best meets the needs of the County in an estimated amount of $471,300.
WHEREAS, the County of Lake (County) owns, operates and maintains the Brooks Farm water system; and
WHEREAS, the water system is served by the Brooks Farm Water Tower, which is an existing 400,000-gallon elevated tank, that was constructed in 1998 and is in need of painting and rehabilitation; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, bids were called for by publication for the Brooks Farm Water Tower Rehabilitation Project; and
WHEREAS, subsequent to said publication, invitations to bid were extended to five (5) contractors; and
WHEREAS, five (5) sealed bids were received and publicly opened via a zoom meeting in the office of the Purchasing Division on Thursday, December 10, 2020, at 11:00 a.m.; and
WHEREAS, Era Valdivia Contractors, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, is the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the amount of $471,300; the other bids received ranged from $397,850 to $643,152. The apparent low bidder was deemed non-responsive.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with Era Valdivia Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $471,300 for the Brooks Farm Water Tower Rehabilitation Project.
DATED at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois on February 9, 2021.