Resolution authorizing an agreement with Cotter Consulting, Chicago, Illinois, to provide Professional Project Management Services for the Depke Renovation Improvement Project in an amount of $500,000.
Staff Summary
• As part of the Coronavirus State and Local Recovery Funds (CSLFRF) as part of the American Rescue Plan Act federal grant process, funding was appropriated for the Depke Phase 2 Bridge Project.
• Lake County issued a Statement of Interest number 23000 which described the need for professional project management services for the Depke Juvenile Courts and Detention Facility renovation improvement project.
• Project management services are needed to augment staff resources in the field to provide oversight to coordinate, monitor and meet critical milestones for multiple improvement work phases to the Juvenile FACE-IT program, Court office and public meeting spaces, Juvenile Intake, and Women’s Residential Services area.
• Solicitations were sent to 37 firms, and responses were received from three.
• In accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, a selection Committee evaluated and interviewed the three top ranked firms, and Cotter Consulting, Chicago, Illinois, was determined to be the most qualified firm and negotiations were conducted.
• To fulfill the Board's priorities and direction, County Administration recommends the County enter into a contract with Cotter Consulting in the amount of $500,000.
WHEREAS, as part of the FY 2023 Capital Budget Process and Facilities Capital Improvement Plan, Depke Phase 2 Bridge Project was authorized; and
WHEREAS, the County desires to contract for professional project management services for the Depke renovation improvement project in Vernon Hills, Illinois; and
WHEREAS, Cotter Consulting will provide professional project management services for the Depke Facility; and
WHEREAS, this award continues the design efforts and strategic prioritization identified by the Lake County Board; and
WHEREAS, the Lake County Purchasing received and evaluated Statements of Interests from three professional firms of which three were short-listed; and
WHEREAS, Lake County, has selected Cotter Consulting, in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/1 et. seq.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by this Lake County Board, that the Purchasing Agent is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of Lake County, an agreement, and any amendments, between Cotter Consulting, Chicago, Illinois, in the amount of $500,000, for Professional Project Management Services for the Depke Renovation Improvement Project.
DATED at Waukegan, Illinois on March 14, 2023.