From: Bell, Jeffery D.
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 10:26 AM
To: Bell, Jeffery D.
Subject: 090416-VarianceLTR-StreetTrees (2)Rev

Attachments: image001.png


April 7, 2009



Mrs. Pamela Newton

Planning Building and Zoning Committee

18 N. County Street

10th floor

Waukegan, IL  60085


Dear Pamela:


This letter is a variation request from the Unified Development Ordinance section Landscaping for subdivisions in Lake County as stated below.  We are requesting that the �Legacy� subdivision, a conservation development consisting of 14 homes in unincorporated Cuba Township, be allowed to modify its approved Landscape plan, dated August 14, 2006 (enclosed), to a new Landscape plan dated March 10, 2009 (enclosed). 


The new plan shows the installation of the street trees in various areas adjacent to the roadway in a more clustered presentation rather than what is required by section of the UDO.  We are also enhancing the existing Oak Savannah on the property by extending its perimeter and expanding its natural growth pattern.


The section of the UDO pertaining to this variance request is as follows: Landscaping


a.   A minimum of 2 trees shall be required for each 100 feet of street length.


d.   The trees shall generally be placed between the sidewalk and right-of-way line for

streets with closed drainage and at least 30 feet from the centerline of the right-of-way

for streets with open drainage. Tree locations shall be approved by the Township

Highway Commissioner and the County Engineer.


After carefully considering the new plan, we feel we are in compliance with the approval criteria for the Major Modification Procedure in the Unified Development Ordinance as stated below:     Planning, Building and Zoning Committee Action; Approval Criteria


The Director shall present the Major Modification request to the Planning, Building and Zoning Committee.  The Planning, Building and Zoning Committee shall act to approve, approve with conditions or deny the modification, based on the following factors:


a.      the granting on the Major Modification shall not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare, or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located;


b.      absent unique conditions exist with the property to be developed that require the modification, and that these conditions are not self created, and that the applicant had no knowledge of the impact of the regulations on the development of the property at the time of the property’s purchase.


c.      the Major Modification is the least deviation from this Ordinance that will mitigate the hardship or practical difficulty that exists on the subject property;


d.      the requested modification, the applicant will be deprived of the ability to develop the property to the full extent otherwise allowed for in this Ordinance;


e.      the modification shall not in any manner vary any other provisions of this Ordinance; and


f.        the standard sought to be modified serves no public or private interest.


Our new landscape plan focuses on enhancing the existing native woodlands of Legacy, while maintaining a natural prairie openness more representative of a conservation development for this area.  We have clustered the street trees in various locations adjacent to the roadway instead of row planting them as shown in the previously approved plan.  We feel that clustering the trees is more representative of native growth patterns and it also transitions Legacy more naturally from the adjacent streets and subdivisions.


When entering Legacy the adjacent subdivisions are in a rural setting with an eleven foot right of way from the street and an adjacent utility easement of approximately ten feet.  They do not have street trees planted in a uniform fashion and they do not have formal sidewalks, curbs or gutters installed as also represented in the Legacy subdivision.


Thank you for your consideration of these requests and we look forward to your decision on this matter.






Scott Nelms
