Lake County, IL
Meeting Name: Lake County Board Agenda status: Final-Amended
Meeting date/time: 7/9/2019 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Lake County Government Building
Amended Agenda
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
19-1154 11Special recognition of Amy McEwan for her service as interim county administrator.Special RecognitionSpecial recognition of Amy McEwan for her service as Interim County Administrator.   Action details Not available
19-1152 12Presentation regarding mental health.presentationPresentation regarding Mental Health efforts.   Action details Not available
19-1035 229Ordinance Prohibiting Video Gaming in Unincorporated Lake County.ordinanceOrdinance prohibiting new video gaming licenses in unincorporated Lake County.adoptedFail Action details Not available
19-1120 138Resolution adopting the 2017 Strategic Plan Update for Lake County and authorizing the County Administrator to oversee its implementation.resolutionResolution adopting the 2019 Strategic Plan Update for Lake County and authorizing the County Administrator to oversee its implementation.adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
19-1103 13Minutes from June 11, 2019.minutesMinutes from June 11, 2019.approvedPass Action details Not available
19-1059 14Monthly Report of Receipts - May 2019communication or reportReport from Erin Cartwright Weinstein, Clerk of the Circuit Court, for the month of May 2019.approvedPass Action details Not available
19-1099 15Public Defender Reportcommunication or reportReport from Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of May 2019.approvedPass Action details Not available
19-1043 16Report from Robin M. O’Connor, County Clerk, for the month of May 2019.communication or reportReport from Robin M. O’Connor, County Clerk, for the month of May 2019.approved  Action details Not available
19-1058 17May 2019 Finance Reportscommunication or reportReport from Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of May 2019.approvedPass Action details Not available
19-1132 18Resolution providing for the reappointment of Lavanya Srinivasan as member for the Tuberculosis Sanatorium Board.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Lavanya Srinivasan as member for the Tuberculosis Sanatorium Board.approvedPass Action details Not available
19-1174 19Resolution providing for the reappointment of Carl Hagstrom, Jay Ehrlich, and Frank Belmote as members of the Lake County Board of Health.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointments of Carl Hagstrom, Jay Ehrlich, and Frank Belmote as members of the Lake County Board of Health.approvedPass Action details Not available
19-1095 110SAO: SFY20 VCVA Grant 20-0925resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the renewal of the State's Attorney's Violent Crime Victims Assistance (VCVA) grant program awarded by the Office of the Illinois Attorney General for state fiscal year (SFY) 2020, including grant funding of $35,000.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1097 111SAO: SFY20 DCFS CAC FundingresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the renewal of the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center’s victim advocate grant program, awarded by the Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS), including $80,380 in grant funding, which includes an increase of $31,992 from state fiscal year (SFY) 2019.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1096 112SAO: CAC Victim Advocates VOCA Grant SFY20resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the renewal of the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center’s Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) victim advocate grant program, awarded by the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois (CACI) for state fiscal year (SFY) 2020, including grant funding of $233,006.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1051 113Adult Redeploy SFY20resolutionJoint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation with offsetting revenue in the amount of $282,269 to implement Adult Redeploy Illinois programming for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1100 114SAO: CAC Victim Advocates VOCA Grant Extension SFY19resolutionJoint resolution authorizing an amendment for an extension of the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center’s Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) victim advocate grant program, awarded by the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois (CACI).adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1080 115Job Center MOU 2019resolutionResolution approving the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Job Center of Lake County and authorizing the MOU to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1081 116CEO & Workforce Board AgreementresolutionResolution approving the Local Workforce Development Area One, Lake County Chief Elected Official & Workforce Development Board Agreement.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1076 117Lawn Care and Landscape ServicesresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract with Landscape Concepts Management, Inc., Grayslake, Illinois, for lawn care and landscape services at 97 Lake County sites for Public Works, Division of Transportation, and Facility Operations, in the estimated amount of $337,169, per year, with renewal options.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1064 118FY19 Miscellaneous Services: Supplemental AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a supplemental appropriation of $120,000 of ΒΌ% Sales Tax for Transportation funds and $100,000 of Matching Tax funds for fiscal year (FY) 2019 miscellaneous services needed to address items such as soil, environmental, drainage, bridge, wetland, utilities, easement and right-of-way purchases.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1062 1198th Street at Sheridan Road: Excess Property Disposal and AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the disposal of excess property located at the intersection of 8th Street and Sheridan Road in the Village of Winthrop Harbor (Village) via a quitclaim deed, and the execution of an agreement with the Village.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-0992 320Joint resolution authorizing the purchase of the Freedom Technologies R8100 Communications system analyzer from Freedom Communications Technologies, Johnsburg, IL in an estimated total amount of $46,370.00.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the purchase of the Freedom Technologies R8100 Communications system analyzer from Freedom Communications Technologies, Johnsburg, Illinois, in an estimated total amount of $46,370.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1089 121Resolution authorizing the execution of a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Illinois Council of Police and Lake County Health Department.resolutionResolution authorizing the execution of a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Illinois Council of Police and Lake County Health Department.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1091 122Resolution authorizing the Public Works Department to add a new position to its budget, Senior Engineer, pay range $65,890 - $103,266 as a result of performing work currently performed by a contractor for the Lake Region Sanitary District.resolutionResolution authorizing the Public Works Department to add a new position, Senior Engineer, to its budget with a pay range between $65,890 and $103,266 as a result of performing work currently performed by a contractor for the Lake Region Sanitary District (LRSD).adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-0099 123Board of Health Report.resolutionBoard of Health Report.   Action details Not available
19-1087 124Resolution on Zoning Board of Appeals Case No. 000487-2019, on the petition of TLT Financial LLC, record owner, to rezone a parcel from the Residential-1 zoning district to the General Commercial zoning district.resolutionResolution on Zoning Board of Appeals Case Number 000487-2019, on the petition of TLT Financial LLC, record owner, to rezone a parcel from the Residential-One Zoning District to the General Commercial Zoning District.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1061 125Highway Access and Use Ordinance AdoptionordinanceOrdinance approving the replacement, in its entirety, of the Lake County Highway Access Regulation Ordinance, Chapter 90, and the Lake County Temporary Highway Closure and Utility and Facility Placement Ordinance, Chapter 91, with the Lake County Highway Access and Use Ordinance along with a companion Technical Reference Manual.adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
19-1063 126Fairfield Road and Wilson Road Resurfacing: Appropriation and Contract AwardresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker & Son Co., Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $2,770,861.99 for the resurfacing of Fairfield Road (Nippersink Road to Illinois Route 134); Fairfield Road (Monaville Road to Illinois Route 132); Wilson Road (Illinois Route 60 to Nippersink Road), which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 4.0 miles, and appropriating $3,325,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1104 127Ordinance amending the Lake County Standards of Conduct.ordinanceOrdinance amending the Lake County Standards of Conduct.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-0098 128Lake County Partners Report.Lake County Partners ReportLake County Partners Report.   Action details Not available
19-1111 130Ordinance establishing a standard street address system for unincorporated areas of Lake County.ordinanceOrdinance establishing a standard street address system for unincorporated areas of Lake County.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1078 231Bond RefundingordinanceOrdinance providing for the issue of not to exceed $54,000,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source) to refund certain outstanding obligations of the County, authorizing and directing the execution of an Escrow Agreement, providing for the levy of property taxes and collection, segregation and distribution of certain sales taxes to pay said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1060 132JOC for Lake CountyresolutionResolution authorizing a contract with McDonagh Demolition, Chicago, Illinois, Paul Borg Construction Company, Chicago, Illinois and Homestead Electric Company, Ingleside, Illinois for Job Order Contracting (JOC) General Contractor Services in the estimated annual amount of $2,000,000 per contractor.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1073 133Organizational Development Consulting AwardresolutionResolution authorizing a contract for one year with two one-year renewals with Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, Lake Forest, Illinois, for organizational development consulting services for Lake County in an annual amount of $150,000.adoptedPass Action details Not available
19-1145 134Resolution authorizing the appointment of William Panos as County Administrator.appointmentResolution authorizing the appointment of William Panos as County Administrator.approvedPass Action details Not available
19-1133 135Appointment of Dick Barr as Alternate Member of the Northwest Lake County Wholesale Policy Advisory Committee.appointmentAppointment of Dick Barr as Alternate Member of the Northwest Lake County Wholesale Policy Advisory Committee.approvedPass Action details Not available
19-1136 136Resolution providing for the appointment of Jim Wipper as a trustee of the Fox Lake Fire Protection District.appointmentResolution providing for the appointment of Jim Wipper as a trustee of the Fox Lake Fire Protection District.approvedPass Action details Not available
19-1144 137Bond for Thomas E. Johnson, member of the Lake Zurich Rural Fire Protection District, in the amount of $2,000.appointmentBond for Thomas E. Johnson, member of the Lake Zurich Rural Fire Protection District, in the amount of $2,000.approvedPass Action details Not available
19-1173 139Ordinance amending the Lake County Liquor Control Ordinance.ordinanceOrdinance amending Chapter 111, Alcohol Regulations, of the Lake County Code of Ordinances.adoptedPass Action details Not available