Lake County, IL
Meeting Name: Lake County Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/11/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Room, 10th Floor or register for remote attendance at:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0214 11Special recognition of 2-1-1 Day in Lake County.Special RecognitionSpecial recognition of 2-1-1 Day in Lake County.presented  Action details Not available
25-0228 12Board action approving the Lake County Board minutes from January 14, 2025.communication or reportBoard action approving the Lake County Board minutes from January 14, 2025.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0173 13Report of Claims Against Lake County, IL for the months of December 2024 and January 2025claimReport of Claims Against Lake County, IL for the months of December 2024 and January 2025.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0174 14Monthly Report of Receipts - December 2024communication or reportReport from Erin Cartwright Weinstein, Clerk of the Circuit Court, December 2024.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0147 15Monthly Finance Report from Anthony Vega, County Clerk, for the month of October 2024.communication or reportMonthly Finance Report from Anthony Vega, County Clerk, for the month of October, 2024.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0148 16MOnthly Finance Report from, Anthony Vega, County Clerk, for the month of November, 2024.communication or reportMonthly Finance Report from Anthony Vega, County Clerk, for the month of November, 2024.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0187 17Report from Jennifer Banek, Coroner’s Office, for the month of November 2024.communication or reportReport from Jennifer Banek, Coroner’s Office, for the month of November 2024.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0161 18Treasurer Holly Kim's Cash & Investment Report -communication or reportCash & Investment Report from Holly Kim, Treasurer, for the month of December 2024approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0140 19Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Lake County and the Jewish Community Centers of Chicago (JCC) for the completion of 24 CFR Part 58 Environmental Review Record (ERR).resolutionJoint resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Lake County and the Jewish Community Centers of Chicago (JCC) for the completion of an Environmental Review Record (ERR).adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0202 110Joint resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Lake County and the Hispanic American Community Education Center (HACES) for the completion of 24 CFR Part 58 Environmental Review Record (ERR).resolutionJoint resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Lake County and the Hispanic American Community Education Center (HACES) for the completion of an Environmental Review Record (ERR).adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0184 111Joint Resolution Emergency Appropriation CCSOresolutionJoint resolution approving an emergency appropriation of $184,167 for fiscal year 2025 accepting additional funding from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Care Coordination and Support program.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0169 112SAO Healing Illinois GrantresolutionJoint resolution approving an emergency appropriation of $11,100 for fiscal year 2025 accepting funding from the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS).adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0164 113Culvert Replacement 2026 Phase II Consultant Agreement and AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd., Rosemont, Illinois, to provide Phase II professional engineering services for culvert replacements on River Road, Grass Lake Road, and Rollins Road, at a maximum cost of $801,077 and appropriating $962,000 of County Bridge Tax funds.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0145 214Acceptance of a grant from US EPA to support the Lake Co Wildwood Watermain Improvements including an emergency appropriation of $959,752 in grant funds.resolutionJoint resolution accepting a grant from Community Project Funding through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Community Grants Projects to support the Lake County Wildwood Water Main Improvements, including an emergency appropriation of $959,752 in grant funds.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0180 215Joint resolution authorizing execution of a contract with Stuckey Construction Company, Inc. of Waukegan, Illinois in the amount of $1,744,500 for the Public Works Administrative Office Addition and Sprinkler Installation project.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing execution of a contract with Stuckey Construction Company, Inc. of Waukegan, Illinois, in the amount of $1,744,500 for the Public Works Administrative Office Addition and Sprinkler Installation project.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0053 116Contract for Ariel Ortho ImageryresolutionResolution authorizing a contract with Nearmap US, INC. of Lehi, Utah, for aerial orthoimagery and oblique imagery, in an estimated amount of $111,300 for the initial one-year term with four one-year renewal options available after the initial term.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0177 117Joint resolution authorizing a contract with CDW-G of Vernon Hills, Illinois, for email protection shield software in the amount of $67,320.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract with CDW-G of Vernon Hills, Illinois, for email protection shield software in the amount of $67,320.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0183 118Joint resolution authorizing contracts with CDW-G of Vernon Hills, Illinois, to expand the County’s backup system for $144,309.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing contracts with CDW-G of Vernon Hills, Illinois, to expand the County’s backup system for $144,309.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0160 219Resolution authorizing a CBA between the Lake County Board, Lake County HD Board and International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 HD Maintenance UnitresolutionResolution authorizing a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the Lake County Board, Lake County Health Department Board, and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150, Health Department Maintenance Unit.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0171 120Resolution setting the 2025 Lake County Holiday ScheduleresolutionResolution establishing the 2025 Lake County Holiday Schedule.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0156 121Ordinance amending a previous ordinance designating the voting site assigned to four of the 431 precincts in Lake County Townships.ordinanceOrdinance amending a previous ordinance designating the voting site assigned to eight of the 431 precincts in Lake County Townships.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0159 122Courtesy notice to announce changes to Early Voting site locations for the April 1, 2025 Consolidated Election in Lake Countycommunication or reportCourtesy notice to announce changes to Early Voting site locations for the April 1, 2025 Consolidated Election in Lake County including Early Voting Schedule Draft.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0170 123Feb-25 CarryoversresolutionResolution authorizing emergency appropriations for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 in various funds for certain projects, items, and activities budgeted in the prior year and not completed.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0213 124Resolution Reaffirming that Lake County Embraces Diversity.resolutionResolution Reaffirming that Lake County Embraces Diversity.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0248 125Resolution to deny the Asian Queen Spa, 14048 Petronella Drive, #101, Libertyville, IL 60048, for a Massage Therapy Business License.resolutionResolution to adopt the recommendation of the license officer to deny the application of Asian Queen Spa, 14048 Petronella Drive, #101, Libertyville, IL 60048, for a Massage Therapy Business License.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0249 126Board of Health Report.presentationBoard of Health Report.   Action details Not available
25-0188 127Joint resolution authorizing the creation of the Lake County Law Enforcement Records Management System Fund (Fund 726) and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $350,000 for the reimbursement of costs from public safety entities for theresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the creation of the Lake County Law Enforcement Records Management System Fund (Fund 726) and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $350,000 as the annual revenue and expense budget to accommodate the operations of the new special revenue fund.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0165 128Long Range Plan Update Consultant Agreement and AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an agreement with HDR, Inc., Rosemont, Illinois, to provide professional planning and engineering services to prepare a 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), at a maximum cost of $2,053,836 and appropriating $2,465,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.adoptedPass Action details Not available
25-0251 129Resolution providing for the appointment of Roger Molina as an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals.appointmentResolution providing for the appointment of Roger Molina as an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0252 130Resolution providing for the appointment of Jennifer Clark as a member of the Public Works and Transportation Committee, replacing Gina Roberts.appointmentResolution providing for the appointment of Jennifer Clark as a member of the Public Building Commission, replacing Gina Roberts.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0253 131Resolution providing for the appointments of Linda Pedersen and Gina Roberts as members of the Technology Committee.appointmentResolution providing for the appointments of Linda Pedersen and Gina Roberts as members of the Technology Committee.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0255 132Resolution providing for the appointment of RuthAnne Hall as a member of the Lake County Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB).resolutionResolution providing for the appointment of RuthAnne Hall as a member of the Lake County Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB).adoptedPass Action details Not available