Lake County, IL
Meeting Name: Lake County Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/13/2013 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Lake County Government Building.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
13-0784 11.Minutes from July 9, 2013minutesMinutes from July 9, 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0866 12.Report of CLAIMS AGAINST LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS for the months of June 2013 and July 2013claimReport of CLAIMS AGAINST LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS for the months of June 2013 and July 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0804 13.Monthly Report June 2013communication or reportReport from Keith Brin, Clerk of the Circuit Court, for the month of June 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0783 14.Report from Willard R. Helander, County Clerk, for the month of June, 2013.communication or reportReport from Willard R. Helander, County Clerk, for the month of June 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0810 15.Report from Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of June, 2013.communication or reportReport from Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of June 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0782 16.June 2013 Finance Reportscommunication or reportReport from Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of June 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0779 17.Sheriff's Monthly Revenue Report for the month of June 2013.communication or reportReport from Mark C. Curran, Jr., Sheriff, for the month of June 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0762 18.Winchester House Administrators Report from May, 2013.communication or reportReport from the Winchester House Administrator for the month of May 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0791 19.Report from the Winchester House Administrator for the month of June 2013.communication or reportReport from the Winchester House Administrator for the month of June 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0886 110.Resolution providing for the reappointment of Joan Miceli as a Member of the Slocum Drainage District.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Joan Miceli as a Member of the Slocum Drainage District.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0887 111.Resolution providing for the reappointment of Edward Lochmeyer as a Member of the Slocum Drainage District.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Edward Lochmeyer as a Member of the Slocum Drainage District.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0838 112.Resolution providing for the reappointment of Joe Mancino as member of the Community Development Commission.resolutionResolution providing for the reappointment of Joe Mancino as member of the Community Development Commission.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0870 113.Resolution providing for the reappointment of Ed Whitehead as a member of the Rockland Fire Protection District.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Ed Whitehead as a member of the Rockland Fire Protection District.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0871 114.Resolution providing for the reappointment of Joseph Wilson as a member of the Lakeside Cemetery Board.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Joseph Wilson as a member of the Lakeside Cemetery Board.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0873 115.Reappointment of James Raihle as President of the Lakes Region Sanitary District.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of James Raihle as President of the Lakes Region Sanitary District.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0874 116.Resolution providing for the reappointment of Craig Taylor as a Member of the Lake County Public Building Commission.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Craig Taylor as a Member of the Lake County Public Building Commission.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0875 117.Resolution providing for the reappointment of Peter Tekampe as a Member of the Squaw Creek Drainage District.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Peter Tekampe as a Member of the Squaw Creek Drainage District.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0877 118.Resolution providing for the reappointment of Jeffrey Hansen as a Member of the Deerfield-Bannockburn Fire Protection District.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Jeffrey Hansen as a Member of the Deerfield-Bannockburn Fire Protection District.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0878 119.Resolution providing for the reappointment of Dennis Manning, Neil Puller, and Carl Hagstrom as Members of the Lake County Board of Health.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Dennis Manning, Neil Puller, and Carl Hagstrom as Members of the Lake County Board of Health.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0891 120.Resolution providing for the reappointment of Thomas Doolittle as a Member of the Grubb School Drainage District.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Thomas Doolittle as a Member of the Grubb School Drainage District.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0893 121.Resolution providing for the reappointment of John Gutknecht as a Member of the Round Lake Sanitary District.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of John Gutknecht as a Member of the Round Lake Sanitary District.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0847 122.Valenti Bonds ResolutionresolutionResolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a third supplement to indenture between the County of Lake, Illinois and American Chartered Bank and a Supplemental Tax Exemption Certificate and Agreement in connection with the County’s Industrial Development Revenue Bond, series 1998 (Valenti Properties, L.L.C. Project); approving certain other agreements; and related matters.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0826 123.Bid 13192 Wound Care Therapy for Winchester HouseresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract with Integra Healthcare Equipment of Elmhurst, Illinois, for wound care therapy at Winchester House for a two year period with renewals, in the estimated annual amount of $45,000.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0747 124.Amendment to the 2013 Annual Action PlanresolutionJoint resolution amending the 2013 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Annual Action Plan.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0843 125.Joint resolution authorizing acceptance of the 2012 Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance grant awardresolutionJoint resolution authorizing acceptance of the 2012 Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance grant award.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0785 126.Amendment to the 2010 Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 (NSP3) Action PlanresolutionResolution amending the 2010 Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 (NSP3) Action Plan.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0806 127.CDC By-laws AmendmentresolutionResolution amending the Community Development Commission By-laws.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0824 128.SAO: VCVA 2014resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the renewal of the State's Attorney's Violent Crime Victims Assistance (VCVA) grant program awarded by the Office of the Illinois Attorney General, including grant funding of $25,600, and an increase in revenue in the amount of $3,370.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0811 129.Enhanced AccessresolutionJoint resolution establishing a subscription fee for license and use of the Enhanced Access to Court Records service.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0825 130.Joint Resolution conveying Petite Lake Pump Station real estate to IDOTresolutionJoint resolution authorizing execution of a Permanent Easement Agreement and a Temporary Easement Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) regarding property at Route 59 and Petite Lake Road.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0827 131.Joint resolution ratifying emergency procurement for Insituform sanitary sewer repair in Long GroveresolutionJoint resolution ratifying an emergency procurement authorized by the Director of Public Works with Insituform Technologies USA, LLC of Chesterfield, MO for emergency sanitary sewer repair in Long Grove.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0837 132.Joint resolution authorizing Sewage Disposal Agreement with the Village of Bannockburn.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for Retail Sanitary Sewer Service with the Village of Bannockburn.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0836 133.Joint resolution authorizing National Power Rodding contract award for 2013 Sanitary Sewer Rehab ProjectresolutionJoint resolution authorizing execution of a contract with National Power Rodding Corp., in the amount of $1,660,023.56 for the 2013 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0818 134.Adaptive Traffic Signal Control: Contract AwardresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract with Rhythm Engineering, Lenexa, Kansas, in the amount of $246,900 for the purchase of Adaptive Traffic Signal Control equipment for the planned traffic signal modernization along Aptakisic Road, from Brandywyn Lane to Parkway Drive, and designated as Section 11-00088-19-TL.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0819 135.2014 Retaining Wall Maintenance: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $1,710,000 of Matching Tax funds for the installation of new steel pile retaining walls at three locations along Fairfield Road, from approximately 1750 feet north of Illinois Route 60 (the south project limits) to approximately 900 feet south of Townline Road (the north project limits), and designated as Section 13-00000-07-GM.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0820 136.2013 Pavement Management System, Field Testing: Consultant AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for professional engineering services with Infrastructure Management Services (IMS), Rolling Meadows, Illinois, for the annual pavement testing services, and associated components at a maximum cost of services described of $70,000, appropriating $80,000 of Matching Tax funds, and designated as Section 13-00219-00-ES.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0793 137.County Speed Zone Ordinance: Millburn Road in the Village of Old Mill CreekordinanceOrdinance providing for the establishment of an altered speed zone for 45 M.P.H., currently posted 55 M.P.H, on Millburn Road, located in the Village of Old Mill Creek in conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0795 138.County Speed Zone Ordinance: Wadsworth Road from east of Hunt Club Road to US Route 41 in the Village of Old Mill Creek and/or Newport TownshipordinanceOrdinance providing for the establishment of an altered speed zone for 45 M.P.H., currently posted 50 or 55 M.P.H., on Wadsworth Road, located in the Village of Old Mill Creek and/or Newport Township in conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0792 139.Township Speed Zone Ordinance: Oakwood Avenue/Hillside Avenue/Franklin Avenue in Grant TownshipordinanceOrdinance providing for the establishment of an altered speed zone for 25 M.P.H., currently unposted 30 M.P.H, on Oakwood Avenue/Hillside Avenue/Franklin Avenue, located in Grant Township in conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0850 140.Water and sewer rate ordinanceordinanceOrdinance amending water and sewer related rates for certain Lake County systems.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0851 141.Peterson Road at IL Route 60 Right-of-Way Acquisition: Supplemental AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution making a supplemental appropriation of $75,000 of Matching Tax funds for costs associated with the acquisition of necessary right-of-way for recently completed improvements to the intersection of Peterson Road (County Highway 20) and Illinois Route 60, and designated as Section 00-00098-11-CH.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0852 142.LCDOT Building “B” (Heavy Duty Repair Shop) Replacement: AppropriationresolutionA joint resolution appropriating $2,750,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the replacement of Building “B” (Heavy Duty Repair Shop) at the Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) campus in Libertyville to support highway maintenance operations, and designated as Section 11-00214-22-MG.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0858 143.2013 Resurfacing of Riverwoods Road, Fairfield Road and O’Plaine Road: Consultant Agreement and AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an agreement for professional engineering services with McClure Engineering Associates, Inc., Waukegan, Illinois, for Phase II design engineering services for the proposed 2013 resurfacing of Riverwoods Road, Fairfield Road, and O’Plaine Road at a maximum cost of services described as $210,009.21, appropriating $250,000 of Matching Tax funds for these engineering services, and designated as Section 13-00999-48-EG.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0868 144.Ordinance Repealing the Ordinance Prohibiting Video Gaming Within the Unincorporated Area of Lake County.ordinanceOrdinance Repealing the Ordinance Prohibiting Video Gaming Within the Unincorporated Area of Lake County.adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
13-0869 145.Ordinance Adopting a Lake County Video Gaming OrdinanceordinanceOrdinance Adopting a Lake County Video Gaming Ordinance.adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
13-0897 146.Ordinance Amending the Lake County Liquor Control Ordinance.ordinanceOrdinance amending the Lake County Liquor Control Ordinance.adoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0995 147.Lake County Partners Report.Lake County Partners ReportLake County Partners Report.   Action details Not available
13-0822 148.Series 2005 Debt Service Emergency AppropriationresolutionResolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $485,330 from the General Fund for transfer to the 2005 General Obligation Bond Debt Service Fund for payment of Fiscal Year 2013 debt service on the General Obligation Bonds, Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source, Series 2005.adoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0994 149.Board of Health ReportBoard of Health ReportBoard of Health Report.   Action details Not available
13-0844 250.FY13 LIT-August 2013resolutionJoint resolution authorizing line-item transfers between various funds for the purpose of transferring previously approved funds in 2013.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0846 251.Workforce ATIM GrantresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a subcontractor agreement with Will County and the Will County Workforce Investment Board, accepting Workforce Innovation Funds and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $350,000.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0803 152.SAO: JAG 2013resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the application, acceptance, and emergency appropriation of a 2013 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in the amount of $6,250 for the purpose of enhancing our Special Programs/Community Awareness Division’s capacity to provide awareness and education to the community, law enforcement, and social service agencies in Lake County.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0821 253.Vital Records Fund Emergency AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $20,000 for health insurance benefits in the Vital Records Automation Fund.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0863 154.Illinois Route 53/120 Corridor Planning: Intergovernmental Agreement & AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (Tollway) for the 53/120 Corridor Transportation, Land Use, and Open Space Planning activities in Lake County, appropriating $90,000 of ¼ % Sales Tax for Transportation and Public Safety funds, and designated as Section 13-00000-18-ES.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0872 155.Appointment of Lavanya Srinivasan as Member of the Tuberculosis Sanatorium Board.appointmentResolution providing for the appointment of Lavanya Srinivasan as Member of the Tuberculosis Sanatorium Board.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0781 156.Resolution appointing additional qualified members to the Board of Review.resolutionResolution appointing additional qualified members to the Board of Review.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-0890 157.Resolution providing for the appointment of John Landgraf as Member of the Lake County Board of Health.appointmentResolution providing for the appointment of John Landgraf as Member of the Lake County Board of Health.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0889 158.Resolution providing for the appointment of Michael Welch as Member on the Lake County Board of Health.appointmentResolution providing for the appointment of Michael Welch as Member on the Lake County Board of Health.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0888 159.Resolution providing for the appointment of Linda Kellough as Alternate #1 on the Community Development Commission.appointmentResolution providing for the appointment of Linda Kellough as Alternate #1 on the Community Development Commission.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-0817 160.Bond approval for Joseph Didier, Long Grove Fire Protection District.resolutionBond for Joseph Didier, Member of the Long Grove Fire Protection District, in the amount of $250,000, to be received and placed on file.adoptedPass Action details Not available