Lake County, IL
Meeting Name: Lake County Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/12/2013 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Lake County Government Building.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
13-1284 11.Summary of Results of Transportation Bond Salecommunication or reportReport on the results of the sale of $30,000,000 General Obligation (GO) Bonds, Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source, Series 2013.   Action details Not available
13-1206 12.Minutes from October 8, 2013minutesMinutes from October 8, 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-1255 13.Standards of Conduct Special Call Meeting Minutes from October 22, 2013.minutesMinutes from October 22, 2013 Special Call Meeting.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-1291 14.Report of CLAIMS AGAINST LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS for the month of October 2013.claimReport of CLAIMS AGAINST LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS for the month of October 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-1249 15.Report from Thomas A. Rudd, Coroner, for September, 2013communication or reportReport from Thomas A. Rudd, Coroner, for the month of September 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-1205 16.Report from Willard R. Helander, County Clerk, for the month of September, 2013 [Enter Text Here] ..Body [Enter Body Here]communication or reportReport from Willard R. Helander, County Clerk, for the month of September 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-1241 17.Monthly Report Keith Brin Clerk of the Circuit Courtcommunication or reportReport from Keith Brin, Clerk of the Circuit Court, for the month of September 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-1212 18.August 2013 Public Defender Statisticscommunication or reportReport from Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of August 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-1213 19.September 2013 Public Defender Statisticscommunication or reportReport from Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of September 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-1190 110.Report from Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of September 2013.communication or reportReport from Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of September, 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-1108 111.Sheriff's Monthly Report - September 2013communication or reportReport from Mark C. Curran, Jr., Sheriff, for the month of September 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-1196 112.Treasurer Cash and Investment Sept. 2013 Reportcommunication or reportReport from Robert Skidmore, Treasurer, for the month of September 2013.approvedPass Action details Not available
13-1246 113.Joint resolution approving an intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Lindenhurst to provide administrative adjudication services by the Lake County Department of Planning, Building, & Development.resolutionJoint resolution approving an intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Lindenhurst to provide administrative adjudication services by the Lake County Department of Planning, Building, & Development.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1218 114.LC Bid 13243 Snow Plowing and Snow Removal ServicesresolutionResolution authorizing a contract with Ground Up Enterprises, Grayslake, Illinois for Snow Plowing and Snow Removal Services at various Lake County facilities for a two year period with three, one year renewals in the estimated annual amount of $50,613.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1258 115.LC Bid 13209 Laundry Services Various LC FacilitiesresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract with Superior Health Linens of Cudahy, WI for linen and laundry services for various Lake County facilities for a two year period, with renewals, in the estimated annual amount of $287,500.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1270 116.Article V AmendmentsresolutionResolution amending Lake County Board of Health Ordinance Article V regarding the regulation of individual sewage disposal systems and registration and/or licensing of individual sewage disposal system professionals.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1272 117.Article XIIIresolutionJoint resolution amending Lake County Board of Health Ordinance Article XIII regarding the environmental health fees schedule.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1264 118.SAO: VWC VOCA Grant 213836resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the renewal of the State’s Attorney’s Prosecutor-Based Victim Services grant program, awarded by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA), including $61,553 in federal funds.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1265 119.SAO: Crime Analysis JAG Grant 410853resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the renewal of the State’s Attorney’s Crime Analysis grant program, awarded by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA), including $51,579 in federal funds.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1239 120.Lake County Legislative AgendaresolutionResolution approving the 2014 Lake County State and Federal Legislative Program.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1257 121.Resolution amending a previous ordinance designating the voting sites assigned to the 415voting precincts in Lake County townships.resolutionResolution to amend the ordinance which designates voting sites assigned to the 415 voting precincts in Lake County townships.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1217 122.Joint Resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with Trotter and Associates, Inc. in the amount of $165,245 for engineering services for the Water, Sewer and Pretreatment Ordinance Assistance ProjectresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with Trotter and Associates, Inc., St. Charles, IL in the amount of $165,245 for professional services to assist in updating sewer and water ordinances, as well as establishing a pretreatment ordinance, in order to meet Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) regulations.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1209 123.Village of Grayslake Folding Stop Sign Master AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a master agreement with the Village of Grayslake for the installation, operation and maintenance of Village owned folding stop signs at County owned and maintained traffic signals.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1210 124.Lewis Avenue at Blanchard Road Pedestrian Bridge Painting: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $90,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the cleaning and painting of the pedestrian bridge over Lewis Avenue at Blanchard Road, and designated as Section 13-00060-03-BR.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1216 125.Winchester Road and County Access Road Compensatory Floodplain Storage: Contract AwardresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract with Berger Excavating Contractors, Wauconda, Illinois, in the amount of $90,371.20, for the construction of compensatory floodplain storage as part of the Winchester Road and County Access Road improvement, and designated as Section 10-00151-22-CH.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1248 126.Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Rickman Contract Services, Inc. for water meter reading services.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract with Rickman Contract Services, Inc. of LaGrange, IL, for water meter reading services in the estimated annual amount of $78,500.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1277 127.Ordinance Amending Certain Prior Rate Ordinances for Use and Service of Waterworks and Sewerage Systems County of LakeordinanceOrdinance amending the Rate Ordinance for the use and service of certain waterworks and sewerage systems of the County of Lake.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1271 128.Joint Resolution providing notice to Northwest Lake FPA of implementation of Excess Flow SurchargeresolutionJoint resolution notifying municipalities within the Northwest Lake Facilities Planning Areas (FPA) of the implementation of an excess flow surcharge.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1254 129.Joint resolution authorizing Commonwealth Edison Pole Attachment Agreement for Automated Meter Reading (AMR) projectresolutionJoint resolution executing a Pole Attachment Agreement with Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) for the Automated Meter Reading (AMR) project.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1285 130.2013 GO Bonds Closing Cost: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $160,000 of 1/4 percent sales tax for Transportation and Public Safety funds for the closing costs associated with the of sale of $30,000,000 General Obligation (GO) Bonds, Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source, Series 2013.adopted  Action details Not available
13-1256 131.Township Speed Zone Ordinance: Geraldine Lane in Wauconda TownshipordinanceOrdinance providing for the establishment of an altered speed zone of 25 miles per hour (M.P.H.), currently unposted 30 M.P.H, on Geraldine Lane, located in Wauconda Township in conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1281 132.FY 2014 Miscellaneous Engineering Services: County Bridge Tax, Matching Tax and ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation and Public Safety Funds: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $77,700 of County Bridge Tax funds, $129,200 of Matching Tax funds, and $112,600 of 1/4 percent Sales Tax for Transportation and Public Safety funds for FY 2014 miscellaneous services needed to address soil, environmental, drainage, bridge and wetland concerns and right-of-way purchases during FY 2014, and designated as Section 14-00000-02-EG.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1282 133.FY 2014 Miscellaneous Maintenance Materials and Services, County Bridge Tax and Matching Tax: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $30,000 of County Bridge Tax funds and $50,000 of Matching Tax funds to provide for FY 2014 acquisition of materials and services needed to maintain drainage and bridge facilities, pavements, shoulders, guardrails, fencing, and right-of-way, and designated as Section 14-00000-03-GM.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1267 134.Wadsworth Road at Lewis Avenue; Phase I: Consultant Agreement and AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an agreement with Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., St Charles, Illinois, for Phase I preliminary engineering for the intersection improvement of Wadsworth Road at Lewis Avenue, for a maximum cost of services described as $361,957.36, appropriating $435,000 of 1/4 percent Sales Tax for Transportation and Public Safety funds, and designated as Section 13-00055-06-WR.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1269 135.O’Plaine Road at Kennedy Drive Reconstruction Improvement, Right-of-Way Acquisition: Appropriation with Condemnation AuthorityresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $60,000 of 1/4 percent sales tax for Transportation and Public Safety funds for the acquisition of necessary right-of-way, by agreement or condemnation, and other right-of-way costs associated with the removal of the intersection of O’Plaine Road at Kennedy Drive and to make an internal roadway improvement in the adjacent subdivision, and designated as Section 09-00109-06-CHadoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1263 236.Ordinance to amend the Lake County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).ordinanceOrdinance to amend the Lake County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).adoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0995 137.Lake County Partners Report.Lake County Partners ReportLake County Partners Report.   Action details Not available
13-1221 138.FY14 Annual BudgetordinanceOrdinance recommending the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for Lake County, Illinois; said Budget having been made conveniently available for public inspection for at least 15 days by posting in the Office of the County Clerk and on the County website.amendedFail Action details Not available
13-1221 1 FY14 Annual BudgetordinanceOrdinance recommending the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for Lake County, Illinois; said Budget having been made conveniently available for public inspection for at least 15 days by posting in the Office of the County Clerk and on the County website.amendedFail Action details Not available
13-1221 1 FY14 Annual BudgetordinanceOrdinance recommending the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for Lake County, Illinois; said Budget having been made conveniently available for public inspection for at least 15 days by posting in the Office of the County Clerk and on the County website.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1223 239.Tax Year 2013 LevyordinanceOrdinance recommending a Real Property Tax Levy, attached hereto and made part of this Ordinance, providing for the apportionment of taxes across the various items of the Fiscal Year 2014 Appropriation Ordinance as adopted by the County Board of Lake County, Illinois.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1224 140.SSA#8 LevyordinanceOrdinance providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to produce $50,000 for Special Service Area (SSA) Number Eight.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1225 141.SSA#12 LevyordinanceOrdinance providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to produce $21,500 for Special Service Area (SSA) Number 12.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1226 142.SSA#13 LevyordinanceOrdinance providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to produce $260,000 for Special Service Area (SSA) Number 13.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1227 143.SSA#14 LevyordinanceOrdinance providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to produce $13,925 for Special Service Area (SSA) Number 14.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1228 144.SSA#9 LevyordinanceOrdinance appropriating funds and providing for the levy of a direct tax sufficient to produce $546,603 for the Northeast Lake Facilities Planning Area Special Service Area (SSA) Number Nine.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1261 145.November CarryoversresolutionResolution authorizing emergency appropriations for FY 2014 in various funds for certain projects, items and activities, which were budgeted in the prior year and not completed.adoptedPass Action details Not available
10-0994 146.Board of Health ReportBoard of Health ReportBoard of Health Report.   Action details Not available
13-1207 247.FY13 LITs- November 2013resolutionJoint resolution authorizing line-item transfers between various funds for the purpose of transferring previously approved funds in 2013.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1273 148.CAPUS FY2013resolutionJoint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in FY13 in the amount of $90,735 from the Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago for the Care and Prevention in the United States (CAPUS) grant.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1274 149.CAPUS Emergency AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in FY14 in the amount of $9,265 from the Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago for the Care and Prevention in the United States (CAPUS) grant.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1259 150.WDD TAA Modification November 2013resolutionJoint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) grant modification and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $375,863.74.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1093 151.Document Storage Fund AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation from the Court Document Storage Fund (258) to provide additional functionality for public access to court records and E-Filing.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1266 152.SAO: VOM Grant FCSSR03292 ExtensionresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an extension and increase of Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) funding for the State’s Attorney’s Victim/Offender Mediation (VOM) program, originally administered through the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA), but transferred to the Illinois Department of Human Services(IDHS) to support the program through June 30, 2014, and an emergency appropriation of $4,934.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1285 130.2013 GO Bonds Closing Cost: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $160,000 of 1/4 percent sales tax for Transportation and Public Safety funds for the closing costs associated with the of sale of $30,000,000 General Obligation (GO) Bonds, Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source, Series 2013.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1230 153.Capital Improvement Emergency Appropriations for FY14resolutionJoint resolution authorizing emergency appropriations from various funds for capital projects in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Capital Improvement Program.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1214 154.Regional Transportation Authority (RTA): Lake County Northwest Demonstration Project in Antioch, Avon, Fremont, Grant, Lake Villa and Wauconda Townships Contribution AgreementsresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of agreements with Antioch, Avon, Fremont, Grant, Lake Villa and Wauconda Townships providing the terms and conditions for the receipt of Township funds for the Lake County Northwest Demonstration project, and designated as Section 09-00280-01-ES.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1280 155.Ordinance Authorizing Amended CLCJAWA Agreement and Comprehensive Amendment and Restatement to Water Purchase and Sale Contract and Further Consenting Admission of Additional Members Pursuant to an Admissions AgreementordinanceOrdinance amending the Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency (CLCJAWA) Agreement and Water Purchase and Sale Contract, as well as consenting to admission of additional members to CLCJAWA.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1260 156.Ordinance establishing Special Service Area 16ordinanceOrdinance establishing Special Service Area (SSA) Number 16 of the County of Lake, Illinois, and declaring the authority relating to the issuance of bonds in an amount not to exceed $46,000,000 for the purpose of paying the cost of providing special services in and for such area.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1283 157.2013 General Obligation Bonds: Emergency Appropriations and Inter-fund TransferresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation not to exceed $6,950,000 in the 1/4 percent sales tax for Transportation and Public Safety fund, and the 2013 Tax Exempt General Obligation (GO) Bond Debt Service fund with an inter-fund transfer between the two funds.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1286 158.River Road at Roberts Road: LCFPD AgreementordinanceOrdinance requesting the conveyance of parcels of land for right-of-way, permanent easements, and temporary easements from the Lake County Forest Preserve District (LCFPD) to Lake County, and effectuating an agreement relating to the construction and maintenance of the improvements to River Road at Roberts Roads, and designated as Section 07-00086-08-CH.adoptedPass Action details Not available
13-1219 159.Bonds for East Skokie Drainage District Memberscommission action itemBond in the amount of $1,000 for William Bogot, $1,000 for William Schrimpf, and $1,000 for Joseph Bridges, Members of the East Skokie Drainage District, to be received and placed on file.approvedPass Action details Not available