Lake County, IL
Meeting Name: Financial & Administrative Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/3/2009 1:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Conference Room C
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
09-1647 13.1MinutesminutesMinutes from April 29, 2009approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1508 26.1Grainger Lift Station Improvements & 2nd Force Main Construction Contract AwardresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a contract with R.A. Mancini, Inc., Prairie Grove, IL in the amount of $635,275 for the Grainger Lift Station Improvements and Second Force Main Project.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1595 17.1Emergency Procurement with MotorolaresolutionJoint resolution ratifying an emergency procurement with Motorola, Inc., Westminster, CO for an annual Premier Software Maintenance and Support Agreement for the Mobile Data Computers for the Lake County Emergency Telephone System Board in the amount of $25,860.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1488 17.2Access and Visitation Renewal 1resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the First Renewal of Agreement No. 2009-55-024 with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and an emergency appropriation of $42,686 for the 19th Judicial Circuit of Lake County Access and Visitation Program for state fiscal year 2010.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1634 17.3Change Order #2 to Upgrade the existing Automatic Sprinkler Systemcommittee action itemCommittee action authorizing Change Order #2 to Contract #28186 to upgrade the existing Automatic Sprinkler System in the Babcox Justice Center in the amount not-to-exceed $21,877.82.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1623 17.4Judicial Sales Ordinance May 09ordinanceJoint ordinance authorizing the Sheriff to establish a Judicial Sales Division and charge fees for specified services provided by the Sheriff’s Office.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1502 17.5SAO: Child Support IGAs for SFY 2010resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of 2 Title IV-D Intergovernmental Agreements between the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Lake County State’s Attorney for the continuation of the State’s Attorney’s Child Support Enforcement Program between the period of July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1605 17.6Solid Waste Enforcement GrantresolutionJoint resolution to accept a Solid Waste Enforcement Grant with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for the period July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1618 17.7FY09 Emergency AppropriatonresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $2,737,441 in the Health Department’s FY 2009 budget.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1606 17.8Winchester House Laundry UpdatepresentationWinchester House Laundry Update (Information only)presented  Action details Not available
09-1603 17.9Emergency Appropriation Resolution for WIA Incentive GrantresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation for $8,482 for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Incentive Grant.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1607 17.10Non-Motorized Travel Study: Consultant AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a contract for professional services for the completion of a non-motorized travel study on the county highway system at a maximum cost of services described of $174,216.21 and designated as Section 09-00000-09-ES.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1608 17.11Lake County Weight Ordinance: Gilmer Road from IL Rte. 176 to Hawley StreetresolutionJoint resolution amending the Lake County Weight Control Ordinance, previously adopted and revised by this County Board. This amendment designates that portion of Gilmer Road from IL Rte. 176 to a point 600 feet south of Hawley Street as a Class II truck route.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1609 17.122009 Pavement Markings for Concrete Pavements: Contract AwardresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract for the removal, replacement or refurbishment of pavement markings on the concrete pavements on various county highways and designated as Section 09-00000-06-GM to Maintenance Coatings, South Elgin, Illinois in the amount of $17,231.96.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1610 17.132009 Thermoplastic Pavement Markings for Bituminous Pavements: Contract AwardresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract for the removal, replacement or refurbishment of pavement markings on the bituminous pavements of various county highways and designated as Section 09-00000-07-GM, to Superior Road Striping, Inc., Melrose Park, Illinois in the amount of $745,238.75.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1611 17.142009 Bike Path Surface Maintenance: Contract AwardresolutionJoint resolution awarding a contract for the resurfacing of portions of the Washington Street bike path east of Hainesville Road and also the Millennium Path along Hawley Street from Midlothian Road to Lakewood Forest Preserve and designated as Section 07-00000-10-RS to the lowest responsible bidder Chicagoland Paving Contractors, Inc., Lake Zurich, Illinois, in the amount of $30,655.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1612 17.15Arlington Heights Road (Rt. 83 to Lake Cook Road), Resurfacing, and Buffalo Grove Road (Deerfield Parkway to IL Rte. 83) Resurfacing and Additional Southbound Lane: Contract AwardresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract for joint repair and pavement grinding of Arlington Heights Road and Buffalo Grove Road and the addition of a southbound thru-lane on Buffalo Grove Road from Deerfield Parkway to IL Rte. 83 and designated as Section 08-00999-02-RP to Vixen Construction, Inc., Bridgeview, Illinois in the amount of $2,379,085.70.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1613 17.16Winchester Road at IL Rte. 21; Intersection Improvement: Contract AwardresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract for the installation of a southbound to westbound right-turn lane on IL Rte. 21 at Winchester Road and extending the eastbound left-turn lane on Winchester Road and designated as Section 07-00151-19-CH to Alliance Contractors, Inc., Woodstock, Illinois in the amount of $415,879.75.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1614 17.17Wadsworth Road, Reconstruction and 3-lanes (Des Plaines River Bridge to Cashmore Road): Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a contract for professional services for the design of the reconstruction and 3-laning of Wadsworth Road from the Des Plaines River Bridge to Cashmore Road in downtown Wadsworth at a maximum cost of services described of $223,377.61 and appropriates $270,000 of Matching Tax funds and designated as Section 01-00033-10-ES.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1615 17.18Stearns School Road Bridge over I-94 Deck Repair and Resurfacing: Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution appropriating $325,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the repair and resurfacing of the bridge deck of Stearns School Road over I-94 and designated as Section 07-00236-02-BR.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1616 17.19Pulaski Drive Bridge over US Rte. 41 Deck Repair and Resurfacing: Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution appropriating $385,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the repair and resurfacing of the bridge deck of Pulaski Drive over US Rte. 41 and designated as Section 08-00196-06-BR.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1629 17.20River Road at Roberts Road, Intersection Project, Phase I Engineering Services: IDOT Change Order No. 1committee action itemJoint committee action item approving IDOT Change Order No. 1 consisting of an increase of $38,751.67 for additions to the Phase I Engineering services for River Road at Roberts Road, designated as Section No. 07-00086-08-CH.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1630 17.21Deerfield Road Bike Path (Des Plaines River Trail to Thornmeadow Road), Phase I Engineering Services: LCDOT Change Order No. 1committee action itemJoint committee action item approving Change Order No. 1 consisting of an increase of $27,116.45 for additions to the Phase I Engineering services for Deerfield Road Bike Path over the Des Plaines River, designated as Section No. 04-00038-03-BT.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1631 17.22Deerfield Road Bike Path from Saunders Road to Wilmot Road: Change Order No. 11a & Estimated Finalcommittee action itemIDOT Change Order No. 11a & Estimated Final for the Deerfield Road Bike Path from Saunders Road to Wilmot Road.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1633 17.23Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Drive NW Quadrant at IL Rte 131, Highway Authority Agreements with BP Products North America Inc.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency standard formal Highway Authority Agreement and a Lake County Supplemental Highway Authority Agreement between BP Products North America Inc. and Lake County as required by the IEPA in order for it to consider the issuance of a “No Further Remediation” letter to BP for its property at 2132 Green Bay Rd in North Chicago necessary for the redevelopment of said property.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1636 17.24Fairfield Road at Nippersink Road; Widening, Resurfacing and the Installation of Permanent Traffic Controls Signals: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $2,560,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the widening, resurfacing, and the installation of permanent traffic controls signals at the intersection of Fairfield Road and Nippersink Road and designated as Section 02-00150-02-TL.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1598 17.25FY 08 Audit for the Public Works Departmentcommunication or reportJoint presentation of the FY 2008 Audit for the Public Works Department.   Action details Not available
09-1600 17.26Change Order #5 DPR WRF Blower, Flowmeter & Sludge Press Projectcommittee action itemJoint authorization to approve Change Order No. 5 for construction changes on the Des Plaines River WRF Blower, Flowmeter and Sludge Press Addition.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1625 17.27Consent Order, IL Attorney General & IEPA re Hawthorn WoodsresolutionJoint resolution providing for acceptance and approval of a Consent Order, with the Illinois Attorney General and Illinois EPA, relating to the Hawthorn Woods-Glennshire Water Supply System ("HWG WS") and settling the pending lawsuit entitled People ex rel. Madigan v. County of Lake and Village of Hawthorn Woods, 06 CH 2569.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1627 17.28RHM&G Inc., Design of NEC Pump Station Update ProjectresolutionJoint resolution authorizing execution of an agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Rezek, Henry, Meisenheimer and Gende, Inc. for design of the Northeast Central Pump Station Upgrade Project.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1643 17.29IDHFS AgreementresolutionResolution authorizing the County Board Chairman to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services regarding medical and behavioral health services for the Juvenile Rehabilitation Medicaid Matching Fund Program.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1640 17.302009 Citizen Corps GrantresolutionResolution to accept an Illinois Emergency Management Agency / US Department of Homeland Security Citizen Corps grant and to authorize the emergency appropriation of $4,000 for support of the Lake County Citizen Corps Council and its related volunteer programs.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1641 17.31IL Human Services Disaster Assistance GrantresolutionResolution to accept an Illinois Department of Human Services Disaster Assistance Program (IDAP) grant, to authorize the pass-through of grant funds to eligible units of local government and not-for-profit organizations to reimburse their eligible costs incurred in providing human services to Lake County communities as a result of the June-July 2008 Flood Disaster, and to authorize the necessary budget amendments, agreements, and emergency appropriations of $23,413.46 for these eligible costs.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1578 17.32Prevailing WageresolutionResolution establishing prevailing wage rates for laborers, workers and mechanics employed by contractors or subcontractors in the performance of public works contracts in the County of Lake.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1635 17.33EECBG ProgramresolutionResolution authorizing execution of the required documentation, application forms, assurances, representations and supporting documents by the Chair of the County Board and such designees necessary to complete the application process for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program as announced by the United States Department of Energy, with funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
09-1637 17.34Presentation by AuditorresolutionPresentation of the 2008 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Internal Control Report. (for information purposes only)   Action details Not available
09-1602 17.35Anti-Spam Solution and Internet Content FiliteringresolutionResolution authorizing the Purchasing Agent to negotiate contracts with Clearswift, Mount Laurel, NJ, in the amount of $52,082, plus annual software maintenance renewals, for an Anti-Spam Solution, and with Enclave Data Solutions, LLC, Orange, CA, in the amount of $38,642, plus annual software maintenance renewals, for an Internet Content Filtering Solution.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available