Lake County, IL
Meeting Name: Law & Judicial Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/11/2008 11:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Conference Room C, 10th Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
08-0891 13.1Minutes of October 7, 2008minutesMinutes of October 7, 2008.   Action details Not available
08-0877 13.2Joint Budget MinutesminutesLaw and Judicial & Financial and Administrative Committee Joint Budget Minutes from October 28, 2008.   Action details Not available
08-0822 17.1Circuit Clerk Report for September 2008communication or reportReport of Sally Coffelt, Circuit Clerk for the month of September 2008.   Action details Not available
08-0930 17.2Coroner's Report for the Month of September, 2008communication or reportReport of Richard L. Keller, Coroner, for the Month of September 2008.   Action details Not available
08-0829 17.3Public Defender Report 8-08communication or reportReport of Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of August 2008.   Action details Not available
08-0830 17.4Public Defender Report 9-08communication or reportReport of Joy Gossman, Public Defender for the month of September 2008.   Action details Not available
08-0936 17.5ETSB Lease - Wauconda FireresolutionJoint Resolution authorizing a contract between Lake County and its Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB) and the Wauconda Fire Department, Inc in the amount not to exceed $27,000 to lease office space for the daily operations of the ETSB and its staff.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative Committee  Action details Not available
08-0828 17.6Sheriff Report 9-08communication or reportReport of Mark C. Curran, Jr., Sheriff for the month of September 2008.   Action details Not available
08-0810 17.7Joint Resolution for Grant Award Liquor Control CommissionresolutionJoint Resolution authorizing the Sheriff to accept a grant from the State of Illinois Liquor Control Commission in the amount of $13,970 for a Tobacco Enforcement program.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative Committee  Action details Not available
08-0885 17.8Upgrade the existing Automatic Sprinkler System in the Babcox Justice Center and replace existing sprinkler heads in the ceiling of the kitchen.resolutionJoint Resolution authorizing an agreement with Century Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. in the estimated amount of $79,446 to upgrade the existing Automatic Sprinkler System in the Babcox Justice Center, and with Fox Valley Fire and Safety Company in the amount of $45,600 to replace the Wet Chemical Fire Suppression System in the kitchen.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative Committee  Action details Not available
08-0886 17.9Sentencing Order exchanges originating from the Court and to enhance information exchanges to and from the Sheriff’s Office.resolutionJoint Resolution authorizing an agreement for the purchase of consulting services with URL Integration to allocate the 2008 COPS grant for the Integrated Justice Project in an amount not-to-exceed $448,943.55.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative Committee  Action details Not available
08-0920 17.10Jail Food ServiceresolutionJoint Resolution authorizing a two-year contract, with renewals with Avainds LLC, of Rosehill, MN for Jail Food Services in the estimated amount of $998,991.47.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative Committee  Action details Not available
08-0918 17.11Upgrade the Fire Alarm System in the Adult Corrections FacilityresolutionJoint Resolution authorizing an agreement with SimplexGrinnell, Addison, IL to upgrade the Fire Alarm System in the Adult Corrections Facility in the amount not to exceed $1,088,913.86.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative Committee  Action details Not available
08-0855 18.1Exeuctive Session for the purpose of conducting department head evaluations.resolutionExecutive Session for the purpose of conducting department head evaluations.   Action details Not available