Lake County, IL
Meeting Name: Lake County Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/11/2024 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Room, 10th Floor or register for remote attendance at
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0713 136Joint resolution authorizing the adoption and execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Establishing Lake Consolidated Emergency Communications (LakeComm).resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the adoption and execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Establishing Lake Consolidated Emergency Communications (LakeComm).adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0714 137Joint resolution authorizing the adoption and execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Establishing the Joint Emergency Telephone System Board of Lake County, Illinois.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the adoption and execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Establishing the Joint Emergency Telephone System Board of Lake County, Illinois.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0723 141Resolution directing the County Administrator to develop a Lease Agreement with Lake Consolidated Emergency Communications (LakeComm) for 15,324 square feet of dedicated space in the Regional Operations and Communications (ROC) Facility on the County’s LiresolutionResolution directing the County Administrator to develop a Lease Agreement with Lake Consolidated Emergency Communications (LakeComm) for 15,324 square feet of dedicated space in the Regional Operations and Communications (ROC) Facility on the County’s Libertyville Campus for LakeComm and Joint Emergency Telephone System Board operations.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0543 11Special recognition of Juneteenth in Lake County.Special RecognitionSpecial recognition of Juneteenth in Lake County.presented  Action details Not available
24-0544 12Special recognition of June 2024 as LGBTQ+ Pride Month.Special RecognitionSpecial recognition of June 2024 as LGBTQIA+ Pride Month.presented  Action details Not available
24-0546 13Special recognition of June 2024 as Gun Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.Special RecognitionSpecial recognition of June 2024 as Gun Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.presented  Action details Not available
24-0547 14Special recognition of July 2024 as Immigrant Heritage Month.Special RecognitionSpecial recognition of June 2024 as Immigrant Heritage Month.presented  Action details Not available
24-0548 15Special recognition commending the Lake County Auxiliary Deputy Unit for their dedicated and valuable service to the Lake County Sheriff's Office and the residents of Lake County.Special RecognitionSpecial recognition commending the Lake County Auxiliary Deputy Unit for their dedicated and valuable service to the Lake County Sheriff's Office and the residents of Lake County.presented  Action details Not available
24-0741 16Presentation from the Lake County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau.presentationPresentation from the Lake County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau.presented  Action details Not available
24-0740 17Minutes from May 14, 2024minutesBoard action approving the minutes from May 14, 2024.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0739 18Report of Claims Against Lake County, Illinois for the month of May 2024.claimReport of Claims Against Lake County, Illinois for the month of May 2024.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0627 19Monthly Report of Receipts - March 2024communication or reportReport from Erin Cartwright Weinstein, Clerk of the Circuit Court, March 2024.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0720 110Report from Jennifer Banek, Coroner, for the month of March 2024.communication or reportReport from Jennifer Banek, Coroner, for the month of March 2024.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0701 111Report from John D. Idleburg, Sheriff, for the month of April 2024communication or reportReport from John D. Idleburg, Sheriff, for the month of April 2024.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0666 112Treasurer Holly Kim's Cash & Investment Report - April 30, 2024.communication or reportCash & Investment Report from Holly Kim, Treasurer, for the month of April 2024.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0726 114Resolution providing for the reappointments of Ann Maine, Paras Parekh, Timothy Sashko, and Nicholas Soulakis as members of the Lake County Board of Health.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointments of Ann Maine, Paras Parekh, Timothy Sashko, and Nicholas Soulakis as members of the Lake County Board of Health.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0728 115Resolution providing for the reappointment of Pat Carey as a director on the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) Board of Directors.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Pat Carey as a director on the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) Board of Directors.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0771 116Resolution providing for the reappointments of Edward Kelly, Earl Nicholas, and Jeffrey Blair as trustees of the Lakeside Cemetery Association.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointments of Edward Kelly, Earl Nicholas, and Jeffrey Blair as trustees of the Lakeside Cemetery Association.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0669 117LHPG STI Grant Increase $10KresolutionJoint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) grant and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $10,000 for the Local Health Protection grant.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0676 118Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $143,033.05 of expenditures from the Opioid Settlement Fund (Fund 771) for additional contractual expenses, stipends, and staff salary.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $143,033.05 of expenditures from the Opioid Settlement Fund (Fund 771) for additional contractual expenses, stipends, and staff salary.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0721 119Workforce Development Regional & Local Plan & MOUresolutionJoint resolution approving the Workforce Development Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Four-Year Regional and Local Plans, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Job Center of Lake County, and authorizing the execution of all necessary correspondence to submit these plans to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO).adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0677 120Agreement with Axon Enterprise for Digital Storage for Public DefenderresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona for a cloud-based digital evidence storage solution for the Public Defender’s Office in the amount of $66,527.74 and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $84,197.08 in the Supreme Court Public Defender Fund.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0708 121CAC DCFS Emergency AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the emergency appropriation of the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center (LCCAC) program funding, awarded by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) through the Children’s Advocacy Center of Illinois in the amount of $331,269.86 for previously awarded and appropriated funds and an additional new grant amount.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0661 122Pavement Marking and Markers Replacement: Contract Award and AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract with Superior Road Striping, Inc., Bartlett, Illinois, in the amount of $833,443.04 for the removal and replacement of pavement markings, and the removal and replacement of pavement markers on various County highways, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 127 centerline miles and appropriating $1,000,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0662 123County Speed Ordinance Millburn RoadordinanceOrdinance providing for the establishment of a County altered speed zone of 35 miles per hour (MPH), currently designated 45 MPH on Millburn Road, from a point 500 feet east of Mill Creek to a point 875 feet east of Crawford Road, located in Newport Township.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0663 124County Speed Ordinance Darrell RoadordinanceOrdinance providing for the establishment of a County altered speed zone of 35 miles per hour (MPH), currently designated 45 MPH on Darrell Road, from a point 620 feet south of Roberts Road to Roberts Road located in Wauconda Township.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0671 125Joint resolution authorizing execution of a contract with William T. Connelly Inc., dba Connelly Electric Co., Addison, Illinois, in the amount of $72,000 for an electrical upgrade at the Lake County Public Works (LCPW) Rollins Lift Station.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing execution of a contract with William T. Connelly Inc., dba Connelly Electric Co., Addison, Illinois, in the amount of $72,000 for an electrical upgrade at the Lake County Public Works (LCPW) Rollins Lift Station.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0710 1262024 PASSAGE Design Field Elements Consultant Agreement & AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an agreement with DLZ Illinois, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, for the 2024 ITS PASSAGE Field Elements Phase II design engineering services, adding approximately 10 Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) cameras, two miles of conduit and fiber optic cable, two wireless connections, one cellular connection, and one new video detection system to expand the Lake County PASSAGE network along various routes in Lake County at a maximum cost of $90,397, and appropriating $108,500 of ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation funds.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0489 127Joint Resolution Sylvan Lake DamresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $1,704,897.25 for the Sylvan Lake Dam Modification Project by the Stormwater Management Commission (SMC) funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Legislative Pre-Disaster Mitigation program through the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and the Fremont Township Highway Department.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0355 128Resolution declaring that the number of appeals annually filed with the Board of Review creates an emergency situation causing the need for an expanded Board of Review.resolutionResolution declaring that the number of appeals annually filed with the Board of Review creates an emergency situation causing the need for an expanded Board of Review.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0667 129Temporary Employee Services with ActalentresolutionResolution authorizing Lake County to enter into an agreement for temporary employee services with Actalent, Hanover, Maryland for professional Architecture/Engineering positions in the estimated amount of $190,000 annually to manage engineering and design projects.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0727 130Asbestos Abatement for Lake County Admin and Courts ComplexresolutionResolution authorizing execution of a contract with HEPA, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois in the amount of $42,730 for the Asbestos Abatement for Lake County Administrative and Courts Complex.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0688 131Resolution authorizing a contract with AED Professionals, Palatine, Illinois, for the replacement of AED’s (Automated External Defibrillator) and associated cases in the amount of $266,549.resolutionResolution authorizing a contract with AED Professionals, Palatine, Illinois, for the replacement of AED’s (Automated External Defibrillator) and associated cases in the amount of $266,549.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0709 132Resolution authorizing a contract with Insurance Program Managers Group, St. Charles, Illinois, (IMPG) for third party administration of civil, auto, workers compensation, and property claims in an estimated amount of $133,648.resolutionResolution authorizing a contract with Insurance Program Managers Group, St. Charles, Illinois, (IMPG) for third party administration of civil, auto, workers compensation, and property claims in an estimated amount of $133,648.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0724 133Resolution authorizing a contract with CDW-G of Vernon Hills, Illinois in the amount of $113,160 for IT Service Management software licensing and support.resolutionResolution authorizing a contract with CDW-G of Vernon Hills, Illinois in the amount of $113,160 for Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) software licensing and support.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0614 113Resolution providing for the reappointment of Philip Bettiker as a trustee of the Deerfield-Bannockburn Fire Protection District.reappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Philip Bettiker as a trustee of the Deerfield-Bannockburn Fire Protection District.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0694 234Resolution approving the County Board Rules of Order and Operational Procedures (Amendment 2).resolutionResolution approving the County Board Rules of Order and Operational Procedures (Amendment 2).adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0736 135Board of Health Report.communication or reportBoard of Health Report.   Action details Not available
24-0722 138Violence Interruption Program Grant $50KresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the acceptance, and emergency appropriation of $50,000 in additional funding for the Violence Interruption Program Grant that is administered through the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA).adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0699 139Joint resolution authorizing execution of a contract with Campanella & Sons, Inc., of Wadsworth, Illinois, in the amount of $2,208,279.35 for the Lake County Public Works (LCPW) Pekara Water System Lake Michigan Water Interconnect Project.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing execution of a contract with Campanella & Sons, Inc., of Wadsworth, Illinois, in the amount of $2,208,279.35 for the Lake County Public Works (LCPW) Pekara Water System Lake Michigan Water Interconnect Project.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0731 140Ordinance amending Section 150.16 2018 ICC International Building Code Amendments of the Lake County, Illinois Code of Ordinances to require provisions for bird-friendly building design in unincorporated Lake County.ordinanceOrdinance amending Section 150.16 2018 ICC International Building Code Amendments of the Lake County, Illinois Code of Ordinances to require provisions for bird-friendly building design in unincorporated Lake County.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0686 142Resolution authorizing a contract with CDW-G of Vernon Hills, Illinois, in the amount of $2,185,403 for security software and support for three-years.resolutionResolution authorizing a contract with CDW-G of Vernon Hills, Illinois, in the amount of $2,185,403 for security software and support for three years.adoptedPass Action details Not available
24-0772 143HR Director AppointmentappointmentResolution providing for the appointment of Darcy Adcock as Director of Human Resources.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0773 144CFO AppointmentappointmentResolution authorizing the appointment of Melissa Gallagher as Chief Financial Officer/Finance Director.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0687 145Resolution appointing additional qualified alternate members to the Board of Review.appointmentResolution appointing additional qualified alternate members to the Board of Review.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0770 146Resolution providing for the appointment of Michael Romie as a trustee of the Lakeside Cemetery Association.appointmentResolution providing for the appointment of Michael Romie as a trustee of the Lakeside Cemetery Association.approvedPass Action details Not available
24-0735 147Resolution providing for the removal of J. Kevin Hunter as a member of the Special Committee on Broadband, per his request.resolutionResolution providing for the removal of J. Kevin Hunter as a member of the Special Committee on Broadband, per his request.adoptedPass Action details Not available