Lake County, IL
Meeting Name: Lake County Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/8/2009 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Lake County Government Building.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
09-2251 12.Resolution proclaiming support of the 2010 CensusresolutionResolution proclaiming support of the 2010 Census.   Action details Not available
09-2273 14.Suspension of RulesresolutionSuspension of RulesadoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2274 15.Minutes from November 10, 2009minutesMinutes from November 10, 2009approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2268 16.Report of CLAIMS AGAINST LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS for the month of November 2009.claimReport of CLAIMS AGAINST LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS for the month of November 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2172 17.Sheriff Monthly Report - Oct 09communication or reportReport of Mark C. Curran Jr., Sheriff, for the month of October 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2193 18.Public Defender Report for October 2009communication or reportReport of Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of October 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2194 19.Treasurer's Cash Reportcommunication or reportReport of Robert Skidmore, Treasurer, for the month of September 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2195 110.Report of Robert Skidmore, Treasurer, for the month of October 2009.communication or reportReport of Robert Skidmore, Treasurer, for the month of October 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2199 111.Report of Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of October 2009.communication or reportReport of Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of October 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2245 112.Coroner's Report for the month of October, 2009communication or reportReport of Richard L. Keller, Coroner, for the month of October 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2253 113.County Clerk Report October 2009Report of Willard R. Helander, County Clerk, for the month of October 2009resolutionReport of Willard R. Helander, County Clerk, for the month of October 2009.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2270 114.Regional Planning Commission - Chairman- RaymondreappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Marvin Raymond as Chairman of the Lake County Regional Planning Commission.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2098 115.Merit Commission Marion WatsonreappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Marion Watson as a member of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Merit Commission.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2178 116.Affordable Housing Commission Kathryn ColeresolutionResolution providing for the reappointment of Kathryn Cole as a Member of the Lake County Affordable Housing Commission.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2181 117.Affordable Housing Commission Linda MoranresolutionResolution providing for the reappointment of Linda Moran as a Member of the Lake County Affordable Housing Commission.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2180 118.Affordable Housing Commission Patrick KonickiresolutionResolution providing for the reappointment of Patricia Konicki as a Member of the Lake County Affordable Housing Commission.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2179 119.Affordable Housing Commission Matthew HickeyresolutionResolution providing for the reappointment of Matthew Hickey as a Member of the Lake County Affordable Housing Commission.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2271 120.Regional Planning Commission Vice-chair LucasreappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Charles Lucas as Vice-Chairman of the Lake County Regional Planning Commission.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2272 121.Regional Planning Commission Member MadorskyreappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Jordan Madorsky as a Member of the Lake County Regional Planning Commission.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1921 122.Amendment to LC Purchasing OrdinanceresolutionResolution amending the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance in compliance with the laws of the State of Illinois.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2248 123.Fire Alarm System Engineering Design ServicesresolutionResolution authorizing a contract with HDR Architecture, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois for engineering design services to replace the fire alarm system in the Courts Complex at 18 North County Street in Waukegan, IL.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2255 124.RFP 90148 Rescinding ContractresolutionResolution rescinding a two (2) year contract with PAETEC, Chicago, Illinois, for Land Line, ISDN-PRI telecommunication services.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2241 125.Inmate Monitoring Services for the Lake County JailresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the Purchasing Agent to enter into a 2-year contract with Sentinel Offender Services, Irvine, CA for inmate monitoring services for the Lake County Jail, in the annual amount of $161,184 with renewal options.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2162 126.June 30, 2009 CALL Reports Jun 30, 09 Call ReportsresolutionJoint resolution designating the herein named banks and other financial institutions as depositories in which the funds and monies in the custody of Robert Skidmore, as County Treasurer and as Ex-Officio County Collector, may be deposited.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2204 127.Taxicab Connector Demonstration Project within the Lake Cook Road Corridor: State of Illinois Agreement.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for the use of Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds (CMAQ) between the State of Illinois and Lake County to provide for the development of a taxicab connector demonstration project within the Lake-Cook Road corridor and designated as Section 09-00000-20-ES.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2205 128.Taxicab Connector Demonstration Project within the Lake Cook Road Corridor: TMA of Lake Cook Agreement and Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for the use of Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds (CMAQ) between the Transportation Management Association (TMA) of Lake Cook and Lake County to provide for the development of a taxicab connector demonstration project within the Lake-Cook Road corridor. This resolution also appropriates $80,000 of Matching Tax funds for this improvement designated as Section 09-00000-20-ES.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2206 129.Washington Street Bike Path (IL Rt. 83 to Atkinson Road); Flood Proofing: Village of Grayslake Agreement and Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between the Village of Grayslake and Lake County for the raising of 2-sections of the Grayslake Municipal Bike Path along Washington Street between IL Rt. 83 and Atkinson Road. This resolution also appropriates $24,000 of Matching Tax funds for this improvement designated as Section 09-00135-10-BT.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2213 130.Deerfield Road Bike Path (Thornmeadow Road westward to the Des Plaines River Trail), Right-of-Way, Temporary Easement, and Compensatory Storage, Lake County Forest Preserve District: AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between the Lake County Forest Preserve District and Lake County stating the terms and conditions by which the District will provide right-of-way, a temporary easement, and compensatory storage to accommodate the construction of the Deerfield Road Bike Path along the south side of Deerfield Road from Thornmeadow Road westward to connect with the existing Des Plaines River Trail and designated as Section 04-00038-03-BT.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2217 131.River Road (Kelsey Road to 700 feet south of Roberts Road) and Kelsey Road (US Rt. 14 to 500 feet south of IL Rt. 22) Resurfacing: Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution appropriating $1,915,000 of Matching Tax funds for the resurfacing of River Road from Kelsey Road to 700 Feet south of Roberts Road and also resurfacing Kelsey Road from US Rt. 14 to 500 feet south of IL Rt. 22 and is designated as Section 08-00134-04-RS.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2218 132.2121 North Lewis Avenue, Zion: Highway Authority Agreements with BP Products North America Inc.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency standard formal Highway Authority Agreement and a Lake County Supplemental Highway Authority Agreement between BP Products North America Inc. and Lake County as required by the IEPA in order for it to consider the issuance of a β€œNo Further Remediation” letter to BP for its property at 2121 North Lewis Avenue, Zion, Illinois necessary for the redevelopment of said property.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2220 133.North Shore Right-of-Way: Easement Agreement with Commonwealth Edison Company: Temporary ExtensionresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an extension to the existing agreement between Lake County and the Commonwealth Edison Company for an easement along the right-of-way of the former Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railway (County Highway 75) from December 31, 2009 to June 30, 2010.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2221 134.Midlothian Road Extension, Lake County Fair Entrance, Northerly to Harris Road: Wisconsin Central License AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between Lake County and the Wisconsin Central LTD, Homewood, Illinois providing the terms and conditions for a license agreement to construct and operate a bike path across the Wisconsin Central LTD., right-of-way along the extension of Midlothian Road.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2222 135.Guardrail Maintenance 2010: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $20,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the 2010 repair and replacement of various guardrail installations and designated as Section 10-00000-04-GM.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2225 136.Arlington Heights Rd & Buffalo Grove Rd. Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation: Supplemental AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating a supplemental amount of $150,000 of the ΒΌ% Sales Tax for Transportation in Public Safety funds for joint repair and pavement grinding of Arlington Heights Road and Buffalo Grove Road and the addition of a thru-lane on Buffalo Grove Road from IL Rt. 83 to Deerfield Road and designated as Section 08-00999-02-RP.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2229 137.Township Speed Zone Ordinance: Edwards Road (Antioch/Newport Township)ordinanceOrdinance providing for the establishment of an altered speed zone for 40 M.P.H. (currently 55/45 M.P.H.) on Edwards Road, located in Antioch/Newport Township in conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2231 138.Township Highway Speed Zone Ordinance: Edwards Road (Newport Township)ordinanceOrdinance providing for the establishment of an altered speed zone for 40 M.P.H. (currently 55 M.P.H.) on Edwards Road, located in Newport Township, in conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2239 139.NEC Pump Station Second Force Main-RHMG ServicesresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an Agreement for Professional Services with Rezek, Henry, Meisenheimer and Gende, Inc., (RHMG) in the amount of $60,930 for construction related services associated with the Northeast Central Pump Station Second Force Main Project.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2214 240.ZBA Case #3782 Request to Rezone from Agricultural (AG) to Residential-1 (R1).resolutionResolution on Zoning Case #3782 which consist of the petition of Gary and Brenda Eberhardt, record owners, which seeks rezoning from the Agricultural (AG) zone to the Residential-1 (R-1) zone.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2197 141.FY09 Line Item Transfers Dec 09resolutionResolution authorizing line-item transfers between various funds for the purpose of transferring previously approved funds.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2198 142.FY10 Carryovers Dec 09resolutionResolution authorizing emergency appropriations for FY 2010 in various funds for certain projects, items and activities, which were budgeted in the prior year and not completed.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2237 143.Wage Re-Opener Local 150resolutionResolution authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute an amendment to the Collective Bargaining Agreement, that expires on March 30, 2012, with the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 as the exclusive representative of the Laborers and Skill Trades employees of the Lake County Department of Transportation.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2249 144.Section 5.3 Pay PlanresolutionOrdinance authorizing the County Administrator to amend Section 5.3, The Pay-Plan-Hourly (Non-Exempt) and Section 5.4, The Pay Plan-Exempt, of the Lake County Policies and Procedures.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2227 346.FY10 Winchester House facility maintenance transferresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a series of line item transfers related to facility maintenance within Winchester House and an emergency appropriation for the Finance & Administrative Services Department (FAS) with offsetting increase in revenue from indirect services from Winchester House in the amount of $836,512.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2242 147.Bid No. 90171 Houskeeping Svcs for WHresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a two-year contract with Northshore Building Maintenance, Inc., Northbrook, IL for Housekeeping Services for Winchester House in the estimated amount of $452,628 per year.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2177 148.Veterans Assistance Commission Emergency Appropriation for Stand Down EventresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an FY09 emergency appropriation to accept a one-time federal grant totaling $7,000 from the U.S. Department of Labor to provide a portion of costs for coats and food at the annual Stand Down event.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2240 149.Ordinance for: ASSIST 2009 First-Time Homebuyers Down Payment Assistance ProgramordinanceOrdinance authorizing participation in the ASSIST 2009 First-Time Homebuyers Down Payment Assistance ProgramadoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2207 150.Court Emergency AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing emergency appropriations that total $128,612 in the court administration, probation, and juvenile detention expense budgets and corresponding increases in the revenue budgets.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2254 151.Resolution presenting and requesting approval of the 2010 Lake County State Legislative ProgramresolutionResolution presenting and requesting approval of the 2010 Lake County State Legislative Program.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2224 152.Grass Lake Road (State Park Road to east of the Grass Lake Road Bridge) and also State Park Road (Lubliner Terrace to US Rt. 12) Resurfacing: Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution appropriating $3,590,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the resurfacing of Grass Lake Road from State Park Road to east of the Grass Lake Road bridge and also for the resurfacing of State Park Road from Lubliner Terrace to US Rt. 12 and is designated as Section 08-00999-03-RS.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2259 153.Resolution forming the Lake County Water Supply Advisory Committee and authorizing the appointment of members to said Committee.resolutionResolution forming the Lake County Water Supply Advisory Committee and authorizing the appointment of members to said Committee.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2201 154.Mill Creek WRF Expansion contract award AECOM Technical Serv.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an Agreement for Professional Services with AECOM Technical Services, Inc., in the amount of $994,447 for construction related services associated with the Mill Creek WRF Expansion Project.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2202 155.Mill Creek WRF Expansion Contract Joseph J. HendersonresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a contract with Joseph J. Henderson & Son, Inc., in the amount of $7,342,000 for the construction of the Mill Creek Water Reclamation Facility Expansion Project.adopted  Action details Not available
09-2215 156.Joint Action Water AgencyresolutionJoint resolution declaring support for allocations of Lake Michigan water to members of the Water Planning Group and intent to create a Joint Action Water Agency.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-2260 157.Resolution providing for appointments to the Lake County Water Supply Advisory Committee.appointmentResolution providing for appointments to the Lake County Water Supply Advisory Committee.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2266 158.Resolution providing for the appointment of Joseph Mancino as a Member of the Lake County Community Development Commission.appointmentResolution providing for the appointment of Joseph Mancino as a Member of the Lake County Community Development Commission.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2269 159.Resolution appointing Steve Carlson as a member of the Lake County Affordable Housing Commission.appointmentResolution appointing Steve Carlson as a member of the Lake County Affordable Housing Commission.approvedPass Action details Not available