Lake County, IL
Meeting Name: Public Works and Transportation Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/7/2009 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Assembly Room, 10th Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
09-2069 13.1PWT Minutes from September 2, 2009minutesMinutes from September 2, 2009.approval of minutesPass Action details Not available
09-2036 13.2Joint PWT & F&A budget minutes from September 23, 2009minutesPWT & F&A joint budget minutes from September 23, 2009approval of minutesPass Action details Not available
09-2009 17.12009 Solid Waste Mgt. Plan UpdatepresentationPresentation of the Draft 2009 Solid Waste Management Plan Update.   Action details Not available
09-2045 17.2Surcharge Ordinance Hawthorn Woods WaterordinanceOrdinance authorizing a rate surcharge for certain portions of the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the County.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2047 17.3Ordinance Subordinate Rev. Bonds (Series 2009) HWordinanceOrdinance Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Water and Sewer System Second Lien Subordinate Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, and authorizing the execution of one or more bond orders in connection therewith.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2058 17.4Hawthorn Woods Wholesale Sewer AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing execution of a Wholesale Agreement for Sewage Disposal with the Village of Hawthorn Woods and authorizing the signing of the IEPA construction permit application for the Village’s Special Service Area #4 interceptor sewer.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2048 17.5NEC Second Force Main Project, Mancini ContractresolutionJoint resolution awarding a contract to R.A. Mancini, Inc., of Prairie Grove, IL, in the amount of $855,677 for the Northeast Central Pump Station, Second Force Main Project.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2049 17.6Clear Wireless Lease Agrement CSM Water TowerresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a three (3) year Lease Agreement with a three (3) year renewal option with Clear Wireless (Sprint) LLC, Kirkland, WA for telecommunications equipment at the Countryside Manor Water Tower site in Libertyville, IL.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2051 17.7CDBG App. & Signature Authorization 2010 Water Main Repl.resolutionJoint resolution supporting the submission of the Program Year 2010 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application and execution of the documents for submission of the grant application for the Fiscal Year 2010 Water Main Replacement Project.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2052 17.8IGA Village of Mundeleincommunication or reportPresentation of draft Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Mundelein.presented  Action details Not available
09-1288 17.9Executive Sessioncommunication or reportExecutive Session for discussion of ongoing litigation.   Action details Not available
08-0785 17.10Director's Report - Public Workscommunication or reportDirector’s Report - Public Works   Action details Not available
09-1888 17.11Midlothian Road Extension, County Fair Entrance, Northerly to Harris Road: Easement AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between Lake County and Commonwealth Edison Company, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois providing the terms and conditions by which said Commonwealth Edison Company will grant easements necessary for the northerly extension of Midlothian Road. This resolution appropriates $30,000 of Matching Tax funds for compensation for said easement and designated as Section 09-00244-03-FP.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-1889 17.12Midlothian Road Extension, County Fair Entrance, Northerly to Harris Road: Recreational Lease AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between Lake County and Commonwealth Edison Company, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois providing the terms and conditions for a recreational lease of a portion of Commonwealth Edison right-of-way adjacent to the Midlothian Road extension in order to provide for placement of a bike path along the extension of Midlothian Road.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2033 17.13Gages Lake Road, Rte. 45 to Hunt Club Road, and O'Plaine Road, Blackstone Road to Old Grand Avenue Resurfacing: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $2,371,000 of Matching Tax funds and $1,259,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the resurfacing of Gages Lake Road from Rte. 45 to Hunt Club Road and also O’Plaine Road from Blackstone Road to Old Grand Avenue and designated as Section 08-00999-04-RS.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2037 17.1414th Street (Pulaski Drive) Bridge Deck Resurfacing: Supplemental AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating a supplemental amount of $55,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the resurfacing of the 14th Street Bridge deck and designated Section 08-00196-06-BR.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2039 17.1514th Street (Pulaski Drive) Bridge Deck Repair and Resurfacing: Change Order No. 2committee action itemJoint committee action item approving Change Order No. 2 for the Pulaski Drive Bridge over US 41 & Union Pacific Railroad in the amount of $25,000 for the balance of the work, designated as Section No. 08-00196-06-BR.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2056 17.16Skokie Valley Bike Path (Laurel Avenue to IL Rte. 176) Phase III engineering services (Construction Engineering): Supplemental AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating a supplemental amount of $15,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for Phase III construction engineering services for the Skokie Valley Bike Path from Laurel Avenue in Lake Forest to the North Shore Bike Path at IL Rte. 176 in Lake Bluff including an underpass beneath the Union Pacific Railroad and designated Section 94-00241-00-BT.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2041 17.17Skokie Valley Bike Path (Laurel Avenue to IL Rte. 176) Phase III Engineering Services: Change Order No. 1 & Finalcommittee action itemJoint committee action item approving Change Order No. 1 & final for the Skokie Valley Bike Path from Laurel Ave. to IL Rte. 176, designated as Section No. 94-00241-00-BT.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2059 17.18Stearns School Road Bridge Deck Resurfacing: Supplemental AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating a supplemental amount of $100,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the resurfacing of the Stearns School Road Bridge deck and designated Section 07-00236-02-BR.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2093 17.19Stearns School Road Bridge over I-94 Deck Resurfacing: Change Order No. 1 and Finalcommittee action itemJoint committee action item approving Change Order No. 1 for the Stearns School Road Bridge over I-94 in the amount of $100,000 for the balance of the work, designated as Section No. 07-00236-02-BR.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2062 17.20Aptakisic Road, (IL Rte. 83 to Buffalo Grove Road): Developer Donationcommittee action itemCommittee authorization to approve a developer donation for Eastgate Estates, in the Village of Long Grove in the amount of $180,330 under the Lake County Highway Access Ordinance.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2063 17.21Lake County PASSAGE, Phase II, IDOT Agreement AmendmentresolutionJoint resolution providing for the execution of an amendment to the grant agreement between Lake County and the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for Lake County PASSAGE, Phase II extending the time needed to complete the scope of work to December 31, 2010. This project is designated as Section 02-00268-06-TL.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2065 17.22Hunt Club Road @ Millburn Road & @ Wadsworth Road, Roundabout Improvements, Supplement to Phase II Engineering Services: IDOT AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a supplement to the agreement for the use of Federal Highway Funds between the State of Illinois and Lake County for Phase II design engineering services for the proposed roundabout improvements to Hunt Club Road at Millburn Road and at Wadsworth Road and designated as Section 02-00076-13-CH.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2066 17.23Hunt Club Road @ Millburn Road & @ Wadsworth Road, Roundabout Improvements, Supplement to Phase II Engineering Services: Consultant AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a supplement in the amount of $59,105.65 to the agreement for consulting engineering services between Lake County and Strand Associates, Inc., Joliet, Illinois, for the provision of Phase II design engineering services for the proposed roundabout improvements to Hunt Club Road at Millburn Road and at Wadsworth Road. A supplemental appropriation of $38,000 of Matching Tax funds is made and designated as Section 02-00076-13-CH.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2064 17.24Washington Street (Cemetery Road to IL Rte. 21): Change Order No. 1 and Finalcommittee action itemJoint committee action item approving Change Order No. 1 for the Washington Street Phase II Engineering Contract Section No. 02-00110-12-WR.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2067 17.25Adopt Adopt-A-Highway Program; Fall 2009 Application Cycle: Approvalcommittee action itemCommittee action memo to approve the Fall 2009 Adopt a Highway ProgramapprovedPass Action details Not available