Lake County, IL
Meeting Name: Public Works and Transportation Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/2/2009 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Assembly Room, 10th Floor
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
09-2264 1 PWT Minutes from October 28 and November 3, 2009.resolutionMinutes from October 28, 2009 and November 3, 2009.   Action details Not available
09-2204 17.12Taxicab Connector Demonstration Project within the Lake Cook Road Corridor: State of Illinois Agreement.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for the use of Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds (CMAQ) between the State of Illinois and Lake County to provide for the development of a taxicab connector demonstration project within the Lake-Cook Road corridor and designated as Section 09-00000-20-ES.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2205 17.13Taxicab Connector Demonstration Project within the Lake Cook Road Corridor: TMA of Lake Cook Agreement and Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for the use of Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds (CMAQ) between the Transportation Management Association (TMA) of Lake Cook and Lake County to provide for the development of a taxicab connector demonstration project within the Lake-Cook Road corridor. This resolution also appropriates $80,000 of Matching Tax funds for this improvement designated as Section 09-00000-20-ES.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2206 17.14Washington Street Bike Path (IL Rt. 83 to Atkinson Road); Flood Proofing: Village of Grayslake Agreement and Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between the Village of Grayslake and Lake County for the raising of 2-sections of the Grayslake Municipal Bike Path along Washington Street between IL Rt. 83 and Atkinson Road. This resolution also appropriates $24,000 of Matching Tax funds for this improvement designated as Section 09-00135-10-BT.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2208 17.1514th St. (Pulaski Dr.) Bridge Deck Resurfacing: LCDOT Change Order No. 3 & Finalcommittee action itemJoint committee action item approving Change Order No. 3 & Final consisting of an increase of $21,083.28 for additions to the 14th St. (Pulaski Dr.) Bridge Deck Resurfacing’s Construction Contract, designated as Section No. 08-00196-06-BR.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2209 17.16Stearns School Rd. Bridge Deck Resurfacing: LCDOT Change Order No. 2committee action itemJoint committee action item approving Change Order No. 2 consisting of an increase of $135,300 for additions to the Stearns School Rd. Bridge Deck Resurfacing Construction Contract, designated as Section No. 07-00236-02-BR.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2213 17.17Deerfield Road Bike Path (Thornmeadow Road westward to the Des Plaines River Trail), Right-of-Way, Temporary Easement, and Compensatory Storage, Lake County Forest Preserve District: AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between the Lake County Forest Preserve District and Lake County stating the terms and conditions by which the District will provide right-of-way, a temporary easement, and compensatory storage to accommodate the construction of the Deerfield Road Bike Path along the south side of Deerfield Road from Thornmeadow Road westward to connect with the existing Des Plaines River Trail and designated as Section 04-00038-03-BT.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2216 17.18Fairfield/ Gilmer/ Old McHenry Road Resurfacing Engineering Services: LCDOT Change Order No. 1committee action itemJoint committee action approving Change Order No. 1 consisting of an increase of $19,934.05 for additions to the Fairfield/ Gilmer/ Old McHenry Road Resurfacing’s Engineering Services, designated as Section No. 08-00999-01-RS.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2217 17.19River Road (Kelsey Road to 700 feet south of Roberts Road) and Kelsey Road (US Rt. 14 to 500 feet south of IL Rt. 22) Resurfacing: Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution appropriating $1,915,000 of Matching Tax funds for the resurfacing of River Road from Kelsey Road to 700 Feet south of Roberts Road and also resurfacing Kelsey Road from US Rt. 14 to 500 feet south of IL Rt. 22 and is designated as Section 08-00134-04-RS.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2218 17.202121 North Lewis Avenue, Zion: Highway Authority Agreements with BP Products North America Inc.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency standard formal Highway Authority Agreement and a Lake County Supplemental Highway Authority Agreement between BP Products North America Inc. and Lake County as required by the IEPA in order for it to consider the issuance of a “No Further Remediation” letter to BP for its property at 2121 North Lewis Avenue, Zion, Illinois necessary for the redevelopment of said property.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2219 17.21Peterson Road at IL Route 60 Intersection Improvement, Engineering Services: LCDOT Change Order No. 2committee action itemJoint committee action item approving Change Order No. 2, consisting of an increase of $45,168.19 for additions to the Peterson Road at IL Route 60 Intersection Improvement’s Engineering Services, designated as Section No. 00-00098-11-CH.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2220 17.22North Shore Right-of-Way: Easement Agreement with Commonwealth Edison Company: Temporary ExtensionresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an extension to the existing agreement between Lake County and the Commonwealth Edison Company for an easement along the right-of-way of the former Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railway (County Highway 75) from December 31, 2009 to June 30, 2010.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-1894 27.23Transfer Property for Grant Township Highway Improvement: Conceptual ApprovalresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the transfer of approximately 0.04 acres of real estate and 0.2 acres of temporary construction easement for highway purposes at no cost located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Wilson Road and Rollins Road from Lake County to Grant Township Road District.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-2221 17.24Midlothian Road Extension, Lake County Fair Entrance, Northerly to Harris Road: Wisconsin Central License AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between Lake County and the Wisconsin Central LTD, Homewood, Illinois providing the terms and conditions for a license agreement to construct and operate a bike path across the Wisconsin Central LTD., right-of-way along the extension of Midlothian Road.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2222 17.25Guardrail Maintenance 2010: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $20,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the 2010 repair and replacement of various guardrail installations and designated as Section 10-00000-04-GM.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2223 17.26Arlington Heights Rd & Buffalo Grove Rd. Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation LCDOT Change Order No, 3committee action itemJoint committee action item approving Change Order No. 3 consisting of an increase of $560,705.25 for additions to the Arlington Heights Rd. & Buffalo Grove Rd. Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation’s Construction Contract, designated as Section No. 08-00999-02-RP.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2224 17.27Grass Lake Road (State Park Road to east of the Grass Lake Road Bridge) and also State Park Road (Lubliner Terrace to US Rt. 12) Resurfacing: Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution appropriating $3,590,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the resurfacing of Grass Lake Road from State Park Road to east of the Grass Lake Road bridge and also for the resurfacing of State Park Road from Lubliner Terrace to US Rt. 12 and is designated as Section 08-00999-03-RS.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2225 17.28Arlington Heights Rd & Buffalo Grove Rd. Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation: Supplemental AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating a supplemental amount of $150,000 of the ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation in Public Safety funds for joint repair and pavement grinding of Arlington Heights Road and Buffalo Grove Road and the addition of a thru-lane on Buffalo Grove Road from IL Rt. 83 to Deerfield Road and designated as Section 08-00999-02-RP.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2229 17.29Township Speed Zone Ordinance: Edwards Road (Antioch/Newport Township)ordinanceOrdinance providing for the establishment of an altered speed zone for 40 M.P.H. (currently 55/45 M.P.H.) on Edwards Road, located in Antioch/Newport Township in conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-2231 17.30Township Highway Speed Zone Ordinance: Edwards Road (Newport Township)ordinanceOrdinance providing for the establishment of an altered speed zone for 40 M.P.H. (currently 55 M.P.H.) on Edwards Road, located in Newport Township, in conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
09-2246 17.31Skokie Valley Bike Path: LCDOT Change Order No. 6committee action itemJoint committee action item approving Change Order No. 6 consisting of a decrease of $105,146.24 for deductions to the Skokie Valley Bike Path’s Construction Contract, designated as Section No. 94-00241-00-BT.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2228 17.12009 Solid Waste Mgt. Plan UpdateresolutionResolution adopting the 2009 Solid Waste Management Plan, as approved and recommended by the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County (SWALCO).postponedPass Action details Not available
09-2203 17.2Res. to stop SSA #15 Forest Haven SubdivisionordinanceResolution to end the establishment of a Lake County Special Service Area for the installation of sanitary sewers in the Forest Haven Subdivision.presented  Action details Not available
09-2215 17.3Joint Action Water AgencyresolutionJoint resolution declaring support for allocations of Lake Michigan water to members of the Water Planning Group and intent to create a Joint Action Water Agency.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2202 17.4Mill Creek WRF Expansion Contract Joseph J. HendersonresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a contract with Joseph J. Henderson & Son, Inc., in the amount of $7,342,000 for the construction of the Mill Creek Water Reclamation Facility Expansion Project.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2201 17.5Mill Creek WRF Expansion contract award AECOM Technical Serv.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an Agreement for Professional Services with AECOM Technical Services, Inc., in the amount of $994,447 for construction related services associated with the Mill Creek WRF Expansion Project.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2239 17.6NEC Pump Station Second Force Main-RHMG ServicesresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an Agreement for Professional Services with Rezek, Henry, Meisenheimer and Gende, Inc., (RHMG) in the amount of $60,930 for construction related services associated with the Northeast Central Pump Station Second Force Main Project.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2232 17.7Change Order #1 DSL Diversion Phase II Projectcommittee action itemJoint committee action approving Change Order No. 1 for design engineering services on the Diamond/Sylvan Lake Diversion Phase II Project.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
09-2200 17.8Uncollectable Water & Sewer Accountscommittee action itemCommittee action to delete uncollectable water and sewer accounts for Fiscal Year 2009.postponedPass Action details Not available
09-2233 17.9Forest Lake Water Systemcommunication or reportReport to Committee on Forest Lake Water System Compliance Commitment Plan.presented  Action details Not available
09-2259 17.10Resolution forming the Lake County Water Supply Advisory Committee and authorizing the appointment of members to said Committee.resolutionResolution forming the Lake County Water Supply Advisory Committee and authorizing the appointment of members to said Committee.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
08-0785 17.11Director's Report - Public Workscommunication or reportDirector’s Report - Public Works   Action details Not available
09-2211 19.1Discussion of 2010 State Legislative ProgramresolutionDiscussion of 2010 State Legislative Program   Action details Not available