Lake County, IL
Meeting Name: Lake County Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/14/2009 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Lake County Government Building.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
09-1384 11.National Donate Life Month 2009resolutionResolution recognizing the month of April 2009 as National Donate Life Month.   Action details Not available
09-1349 12.SAO: Recognition of National Crime Victims Week 2009resolutionResolution proclaiming the week of April 26 - May 2, 2009 as National Crime Victims Week.   Action details Not available
09-1431 13.Silver Star Banner Day Proclamationhonorary resolutionResolution proclaiming Friday, May 1, 2009 as “SILVER STAR BANNER DAY”, and declare it the permanent and official day to honor the wounded and ill Soldiers of the County of Lake.   Action details Not available
09-1447 14.Rt. 53 resolutionresolutionResolution submitting the results of the advisory referendum to the State of Illinois, the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, and the Lake County State and Federal legislative delegation.adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
09-1440 15.Minutes from March 17, 2009minutesMinutes from March 17, 2009approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1436 16.Claims Against Lake County, Illinois for the month of March 2009claimReport of CLAIMS AGAINST LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS for the month of March 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1318 17.Treasurer Report for December 2008communication or reportReport of Robert Skidmore, Treasurer, for the month of December 2008.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1320 18.Treasurer Report for January, 2009communication or reportReport of Robert Skidmore, Treasurer, for the month of January 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1372 19.Report of Robert Skidmore Treasurer for February 2009committee action itemReport of Robert Skidmore, Treasurer, for the month of February 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1353 110.Feb 2009 Fin Reportcommunication or reportReport of Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of February 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1352 111.Report of Sally Coffelt, Circuit Clerk for the month of Februarycommunication or reportReport of Sally D. Coffelt, Circuit Clerk for the month of February 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1329 112.Coroner's Report for the Month of January, 2009communication or reportReport of Richard L. Keller, Coroner, for the month of January, 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1375 113.Coroner's Report for the Month of February, 2009communication or reportReport of Richard L. Keller, Coroner, for the month of February, 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1328 114.Public Defender Report for February 2009communication or reportReport of Joy Gossman for the month of February 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1421 115.Public Defender Report for March, 2009.communication or reportReport of Joy Gossman for the month of March, 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1321 116.Sheriff Monthly Report - Feb 09communication or reportReport of Mark C. Curran, Jr., Sheriff, for the month of February 2009.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1330 117.Fire Protection District - Beach Park - LehrreappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Ronald Lehr as a Member of the Beach Park Fire Protection District.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1331 118.Fire Protection District - Grayslake - StangreappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Lester Stang as a Member of the Grayslake Fire Protection District.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1332 119.Fire Protection District - Lake Zurich SedlackreappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Jeffrey Sedlack as a Member of the Lake Zurich Rural Fire Protection District.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1333 120.Sanitary District - Del Mar Woods - DuvareappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Daniel Duva as a Member of the Del Mar Woods Sanitary District.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1425 121.ZBA Chair BellreappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of George Bell, Jr. as Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1337 122.Zoning Board of Appeals - Vice Chairman - KoeppenreappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Greg Koeppen as a Vice-Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1338 123.Zoning Board of Appeals - Carol ZerbareappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Carol Zerba as a Member of the Zoning Board of Appeals.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1339 124.Zoning Board of Appeals - Greg Koeppen MemberreappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Greg Koeppen as a Member of the Zoning Board of Appeals.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1340 125.Fire Protection District - Long Grove - KleinreappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of David Klein as a Member of the Long Grove Fire Protection District.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1433 126.Sanitary District Del Mar Woods CasereappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of Clinton E. Case as a Member of the Del Mar Woods Sanitary District.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1434 127.Fire Protection District Rockland HarrisreappointmentResolution providing for the reappointment of David A. Harris as a Member of the Rockland Fire Protection District.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1427 128.Central Joint Action Water Agency Ordinance Maine-TalbettordinanceAn Ordinance providing for the reappointment of Ann Maine as Director and the reappointment of Michael Talbett as Alternate Director of the Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency, pursuant to an ordinance approving the Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency Agreement.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1393 129.IECGP Acceptance, Budget, and AppropriationresolutionResolution to accept an Illinois Terrorism Task Force / US Department of Homeland Security Interoperable Emergency Communications Grant Program (IECGP) grant, authorize the emergency appropriation of up to $132,000 for planning and training for voice interoperability, and recognize the “Lake County Interoperable Communications Task Force” as the cross-discipline, cross-jurisdiction technical governance body responsible for overseeing the Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan (TICP) for Lake County.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1336 130.Risk Mgmt. Gages Lake Emergency ProcurementresolutionResolution ratifying an Emergency Procurement authorized by the Director of Human Resources with United Services by Permaco, Lake Bluff IL.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1357 131.Lease Extension for Rep. KirkresolutionResolution authorizing negotiation and execution of a lease extension for office space utilized in Lake County facilities by the Honorable Mark S. Kirk for the current period through January 2, 2011.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1374 132.DCEO energy efficient grant applicationsresolutionResolution authorizing application for three grants from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity “Public Sector Electric Efficiency Program” for which the County is eligible based on certain energy efficient components currently included in certain County facility construction projects.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1419 133.Bid No. 90062 Lawncare & Landscape ServicesresolutionResolution authorizing the Purchasing Agent to enter into a contract with Landscape Concepts Management, Inc., Grayslake, IL for a seven (7) month period with renewals for Lawn Care and Landscape Services for Public Works sites and the Libertyville Campus in an estimated amount of $125,095.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1356 134.Resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental AgreementresolutionResolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement between Lake County, Cook County, and Barrington School District 220 for the purpose of medication distribution.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1355 135.Bid No. 90030 Replacement of Boiler Heating PlantresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the Purchasing Agent to enter into a contract with Air Con Refrigeration & Heating, Inc, Waukegan, IL for the installation of a Boiler Heating Plant in the Belvidere Medical Building, Waukegan, IL, in the amount estimated not to exceed $589,900.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1348 136.Summer Youth Employment Worksite AgreementresolutionJoint resolution approving the Summer Youth Employment Worksite Agreement.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1388 137.Siemens Bldg TechnologiesresolutionJoint resolution entering into an Incumbent Worker Training Grant with Siemens Building Technologies for $39,500.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1369 138.Chemistry Analyzer for LC CoronerresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a two-year agreement with renewals with Abbott Laboratories, Inc., for the purchase of reagents and a service contract for an Abbott AxSym Chemistry Analyzer for the Office of the Lake County Coroner in the estimated annual amount of $33,000.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1370 139.Bid No. 90050 Full Height Furniture Walls SystemresolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract with Corporate Express Business Interiors, A Staples Company, Woodridge, IL for the installation of full height furniture wall systems in remodeled Public Defender’s Offices located at 15 S. County St., Waukegan IL, in the amount of $132,523.08 and to award a one year contract with renewal options for future wall system projects as required.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1406 140.Emergency Procurement for SOA SoftwareresolutionJoint resolution ratifying an Emergency Procurement with Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA for annual software maintenance for Service Oriented Architecture Infrastructure (SOA) software for Lake County in the amount of $53,293.06.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1342 141.Resolution between Lake County Sheriff and Third LakeresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Third Lake for the purpose of providing Sheriff’s Marine Patrol Services.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1344 142.Fox Waterway Agency Agreement 2009resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement with the Fox Waterway Agency and the Lake County Sheriff to provide permit/sticker enforcement for the Agency.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1368 143.Resolution for "Special Detail" rates 2009resolutionJoint resolution establishing rates for the Lake County Sheriff Deputies working off-duty; “Special Detail”, for private business, individuals and government units.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1343 244.Wildwood Park District Agreement 2009resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement with the Wildwood Park District for the purpose of providing Sheriff’s Marine Patrol Services to the Park District.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1359 145.SAO: Mental Health Court federal grant application 2009resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the application for a Justice and Mental Health Collaboration grant from the US Department of Justice (USDOJ) Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) on behalf of the Mental Health Court program for the purpose of providing financial assistance for a part time Assistant State’s Attorney and Assistant Public Defender and applicable fringe benefits each to the State’s Attorney’s Office and the Public Defender’s Office, and associated equipment.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1347 146.Add Cornerstone Bank as depositoryresolutionJoint resolution designating the Cornerstone National Bank & Trust Company as an additional depository in which the funds and monies in the custody of Robert Skidmore, as County Treasurer and as Ex-Officio County Collector, may be deposited.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1377 147.County Signals; New Traffic Signal Master Agreement: Village of LincolnshireresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a new master agreement between Lake County and the Village of Lincolnshire regarding the cost of maintenance, construction and installation, as well as future costs associated with current and future traffic control signals under the jurisdiction of the Lake County Division of Transportation and including provisions for emergency preemption systems.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1378 148.Ice Control Salt (2009 – 2010 Winter Season): AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $1,700,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the supply of ice control salt materials needed for the 2009 - 2010 winter season and designated as Section 10-00000-00-GM.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1379 149.Lake County PASSAGE, Wireless Communication Hub #2: Village of Wauconda AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a joint agreement between the Village of Wauconda and Lake County for the installation of Lake County PASSAGE wireless communication Hub #2 on a village owned water tower situated along Gilmer Road.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1380 150.Lake County PASSAGE, City of Highland Park Signals: Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd., Rosemont, Illinois for professional services for Phase II design engineering services for 26 traffic signal modifications along various routes in the City of Highland Park including the Lake County PASSAGE interconnection at a maximum cost of $160,487.95 and appropriates $170,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds and designated as Section 06-00924-00-TL.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1381 151.Lake County PASSAGE, City of Highland Park Signals: IDOT Joint Agreement.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing an agreement between Lake County and the State of Illinois for the utilization of federal highway funds for Phase II design engineering services for 26 traffic signal modifications along various routes in the City of Highland Park including interconnection with Lake County PASSAGE and designated as Section 06-00924-00-TL.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1383 152.Fairfield Road at Nippersink Road Intersection Improvement, Right-of-way Acquisition: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $265,000 of Matching Tax funds for right-of-way costs associated with the proposed improvements to the intersection of Fairfield Road (County Highway 49) and Nippersink Road and designated as Section 02-00150-02-TL.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1389 153.Peterson Road Widening and Reconstruction, US Rte. 45 to IL Rte. 83; Change Order No.1: Supplemental AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating a supplemental amount of $425,000 of Matching Tax funds for design engineering services for the Peterson Road improvement from US Rte. 45 to IL Rte. 83 and designated Section 07-00098-17-WR.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1391 154.Midlothian Road Extension, from existing northerly terminus, northerly to Harris Road: Consultant Agreement and Appropriation.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a contract with Spaceco, Inc. for Phase II design engineering services for the extension of Midlothian Road from its existing northerly terminus northerly to Harris Road at a maximum cost of services described of $157,143.31 and appropriates $50,000 of Matching Tax funds and $140,000 of the ¼ % Sales Tax for Transportation and Public Safety and designated as Section 09-00244-03-FP.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1402 155.Grass Lake Road Slope Wall Repairs at Grass Lake Road Bridge: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $125,000 of County Bridge Tax funds for the repairs to the Grass Lake Road bridge slope walls and designated as Section 09-00059-08-BR.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1403 156.Prairie Crossing Bike Path along Midlothian Road (IL Rte 176 to Peterson Road; 3 Segments): Phase I Agreement and AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a contract with McClure Engineering Associates Inc., Waukegan, Illinois for professional services for the provision of Phase I preliminary engineering services for three missing links in the Prairie Crossing Bike Path along Midlothian Road between IL Rte. 176 and Peterson Road at a maximum cost of services described of $73,787.97; and appropriates $90,000 of Matching Tax funds for this improvement and designated as Section 09-00171-13-BT.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1404 157.21st Street and Russell Road Retaining Wall Phase II Engineering Services: Consultant Agreement and appropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of a contract with McClure Engineering Associates Inc., Waukegan, Illinois for professional services for the provision of Phase II engineering services for maintenance and repairs to retaining walls situated along 21st Street and Russell Road at a maximum cost of services described of $75,725.85; and appropriates $85,000 of Matching Tax funds and designated as Section 09-00999-08-GM.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1418 158.Winchester Road at IL Rte. 21; Intersection Improvement: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $679,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the installation of a southbound to westbound right-turn lane on IL Rte. 21 at Winchester Road and extending the eastbound left-turn lane on Winchester Road and designated as Section 07-00151-19-CH.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1354 159.Bid No. 90031 Sign Printer for DOTresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the Purchasing Agent to enter into a contract with the Sign Outlet Store, Lisle, IL for the purchase of a Roland Soljet Pro III Sign Shop Printer for the Division of Transportation in the amount of $31,516.80.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1409 160.Maintenance Facade Renovation MJG ContractresolutionJoint resolution awarding a contract to MJG Enterprises Corporation of Chicago, IL in the amount of $65,664 for the FY 2009 Maintenance Facility Facade Renovation Project.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1410 161.PW Admin Bldg Window Replacement Rasch Constr ContractresolutionJoint resolution awarding a contract to Native Construction and Landscaping of Kansasville, WI in the amount of $73,800 for the FY 2009 Administration Building Window Replacement Project.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1413 162.PW Plat of Vacation & Easement Grant for Sikora Subdivision MundeleinresolutionResolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute a Plat of Vacation and Easement Grant in Sikora’s Subdivision in the Village of MundeleinadoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1430 163.Adopting the Strategy for a Sustainable Lake countyresolutionResolution adopting the ‘Strategy for a Sustainable Lake County’ as Lake County’s Green Government guide.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1366 164.FY09 Carryovers Apr 09resolutionResolution authorizing emergency appropriations for FY 2009 in various funds for certain projects, items and activities, which were budgeted in the prior year and not completed.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1399 165.Bid No. 90014 Job Order Contracting ServicesresolutionResolution authorizing the Purchasing Agent to enter into a one-year contract with renewals with Joseph J. Henderson & Son, Inc., of Gurnee, IL and K. R. Miller Contractors, Inc., of Inverness, IL for Job Order Contracting Services in the estimated amount not-to exceed $2,000,000 per Contractor.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1346 168.MotorolaTraining Grant ResolutionresolutionJoint resolution approving an emergency appropriation for the Motorola Training Grant for $100,000 for training assistance.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1416 169.2009 Winchester House Market StudyresolutionJoint resolution adopting the 2009 Winchester House Market Study including the associated financial and capital study.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1309 170.WH Contract for Architectural Engineering ServicesresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the Purchasing Agent to enter into a contract with Plunkett Raysich Architects, LLP of Milwaukee, Wisconsin for Architectural and Engineering Services for the design of a replacement skilled nursing care facility in the amount of $1,565,000 and approve an emergency appropriation in the amount of the contract.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1376 171.Economic Stimulus Emergency AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution approving an emergency appropriation to accept the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) grant and allocate the funds to Workforce Development.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1350 172.SAO: Establishment of Lake County Sexual Assault Coordinating CouncilresolutionJoint resolution authorizing and supporting the establishment of a Lake County Sexual Assault Coordinating Council.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1382 173.Fairfield Road at Bonner Road, Intersection Improvement: Contract AwardresolutionJoint resolution awarding a contract, for the improvement of the intersection of Fairfield Road at Bonner Road designated as Section 02-00113-15-CH, to Glenbrook Excavating & Concrete, Inc., Wauconda, Illinois in the amount of $1,125,050.48 for this improvement.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1401 174.Western Avenue at Woodland Road; Intersection Improvements: City of Lake Forest Appropriation and AgreementresolutionJoint resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with City of Lake Forest for the improvements to the intersection of Western Avenue and Woodland Road. This resolution appropriates $650,000 of the ¼% sales tax for Transportation and Public Safety for this improvement designated as Section 09-00931-00-CH.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1417 175.Arlington Heights Road (Rt. 83 to Lake Cook Road), Resurfacing, and Buffalo Road Grove Road (Deerfield Parkway to IL Rte. 83) Resurfacing and Additional Southbound Lane: Construction AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $3,070,000 of the ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation and Public Safety for joint repair and pavement grinding of Arlington Heights Road and Buffalo Grove Road and the addition of a through-lane on Buffalo Grove Road from IL Rte. 83 to Deerfield Road and designated as Section 08-00999-02-RP.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1412 176.PW Portwine Force Main Applied Technologies ContractresolutionJoint resolution authorizing execution of an agreement for professional engineering services with Applied Technologies for design of the Portwine Lift Station Parallel Force Main Project.adoptedPass Action details Not available
09-1397 177.Lake Bluff Mosquito Abatement District - GrazianoappointmentResolution providing for the appointment of Frida Graziano as a Member of the Lake Bluff Mosquito Abatement District.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1394 178.Bond for Philip Yorkcommittee action itemBond for Philip D. York, Trustee of the West Skokie Drainage District, in the amount of $1,000.approvedPass Action details Not available
09-1395 179.West Skokie Drainage District Financial Reportcommunication or reportWest Skokie Drainage District Financial Report year ending September 30, 2008.approvedPass Action details Not available