Lake County, IL
Meeting Name: Public Works and Transportation Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/6/2013 8:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Assembly Room, 10th Floor
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
13-1248 17.1Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Rickman Contract Services, Inc. for water meter reading services.resolutionJoint resolution authorizing a contract with Rickman Contract Services, Inc. of LaGrange, IL, for water meter reading services in the estimated annual amount of $78,500.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
13-1277 17.2Ordinance Amending Certain Prior Rate Ordinances for Use and Service of Waterworks and Sewerage Systems County of LakeordinanceOrdinance amending the Rate Ordinance for the use and service of certain waterworks and sewerage systems of the County of Lake.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
13-1271 17.3Joint Resolution providing notice to Northwest Lake FPA of implementation of Excess Flow SurchargeresolutionJoint resolution notifying municipalities within the Northwest Lake Facilities Planning Areas (FPA) of the implementation of an excess flow surcharge.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
13-1254 17.4Joint resolution authorizing Commonwealth Edison Pole Attachment Agreement for Automated Meter Reading (AMR) projectresolutionJoint resolution executing a Pole Attachment Agreement with Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) for the Automated Meter Reading (AMR) project.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
13-1280 17.5Ordinance Authorizing Amended CLCJAWA Agreement and Comprehensive Amendment and Restatement to Water Purchase and Sale Contract and Further Consenting Admission of Additional Members Pursuant to an Admissions AgreementordinanceOrdinance amending the Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency (CLCJAWA) Agreement and Water Purchase and Sale Contract, as well as consenting to admission of additional members to CLCJAWA.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
13-1260 17.6Ordinance establishing Special Service Area 16ordinanceOrdinance establishing Special Service Area (SSA) Number 16 of the County of Lake, Illinois, and declaring the authority relating to the issuance of bonds in an amount not to exceed $46,000,000 for the purpose of paying the cost of providing special services in and for such area.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
13-1279 17.7Committee report on the Arden Shores Water Systemcommunication or reportReport on the Arden Shores Water System.received and filed  Action details Not available
12-12311 17.8Director’s Report - Public Workscommunication or reportDirector’s Report - Public Works.   Action details Not available
13-1285 17.92013 GO Bonds Closing Cost: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $160,000 of 1/4 percent sales tax for Transportation and Public Safety funds for the closing costs associated with the of sale of $30,000,000 General Obligation (GO) Bonds, Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source, Series 2013.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
13-1283 17.102013 General Obligation Bonds: Emergency Appropriations and Inter-fund TransferresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation not to exceed $6,950,000 in the 1/4 percent sales tax for Transportation and Public Safety fund, and the 2013 Tax Exempt General Obligation (GO) Bond Debt Service fund with an inter-fund transfer between the two funds.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
13-1256 17.11Township Speed Zone Ordinance: Geraldine Lane in Wauconda TownshipordinanceOrdinance providing for the establishment of an altered speed zone of 25 miles per hour (M.P.H.), currently unposted 30 M.P.H, on Geraldine Lane, located in Wauconda Township in conformity with Chapter 625 - Section 5/11-604 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.recommended for adoption to the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
13-1281 17.12FY 2014 Miscellaneous Engineering Services: County Bridge Tax, Matching Tax and ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation and Public Safety Funds: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $77,700 of County Bridge Tax funds, $129,200 of Matching Tax funds, and $112,600 of 1/4 percent Sales Tax for Transportation and Public Safety funds for FY 2014 miscellaneous services needed to address soil, environmental, drainage, bridge and wetland concerns and right-of-way purchases during FY 2014, and designated as Section 14-00000-02-EG.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
13-1282 17.13FY 2014 Miscellaneous Maintenance Materials and Services, County Bridge Tax and Matching Tax: AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $30,000 of County Bridge Tax funds and $50,000 of Matching Tax funds to provide for FY 2014 acquisition of materials and services needed to maintain drainage and bridge facilities, pavements, shoulders, guardrails, fencing, and right-of-way, and designated as Section 14-00000-03-GM.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
13-1267 17.14Wadsworth Road at Lewis Avenue; Phase I: Consultant Agreement and AppropriationresolutionJoint resolution authorizing an agreement with Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., St Charles, Illinois, for Phase I preliminary engineering for the intersection improvement of Wadsworth Road at Lewis Avenue, for a maximum cost of services described as $361,957.36, appropriating $435,000 of 1/4 percent Sales Tax for Transportation and Public Safety funds, and designated as Section 13-00055-06-WR.approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
13-1286 17.15River Road at Roberts Road: LCFPD AgreementordinanceOrdinance requesting the conveyance of parcels of land for right-of-way, permanent easements, and temporary easements from the Lake County Forest Preserve District (LCFPD) to Lake County, and effectuating an agreement relating to the construction and maintenance of the improvements to River Road at Roberts Roads, and designated as Section 07-00086-08-CH.recommended for adoption to the regular agendaPass Action details Not available
13-1269 17.16O’Plaine Road at Kennedy Drive Reconstruction Improvement, Right-of-Way Acquisition: Appropriation with Condemnation AuthorityresolutionJoint resolution appropriating $60,000 of 1/4 percent sales tax for Transportation and Public Safety funds for the acquisition of necessary right-of-way, by agreement or condemnation, and other right-of-way costs associated with the removal of the intersection of O’Plaine Road at Kennedy Drive and to make an internal roadway improvement in the adjacent subdivision, and designated as Section 09-00109-06-CHapproved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative CommitteePass Action details Not available
13-0490 17.17Director's Report - Transportationcommunication or reportDirector’s Report - Transportation.   Action details Not available