Resolution authorizing a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the Illinois Council of Police Animal Care and Control Chapter, Lake County Board of Health and the Lake County Board.
Staff Summary
• This is a four-year agreement retroactive to December 1, 2021 through November 30, 2025 and covers approximately nine positions in the Animal Care and Control Unit.
• Wage settlement of
o 2.5 percent on December 1, 2021
o 3.25 percent on December 1, 2022
o “Same As” on December 1, 2023
o “Same As” on December 1, 2024
• All bargaining unit position pay ranges were increased (adjusted) to accurately reflect non-union pay ranges. With the exception of the kennel tech, all other bargaining unit employees’ wages were within the newly adjusted pay ranges. Part-time kennel tech positions increased to $15.00 per hour.
• Modifies to how the Discretionary Performance Incentive is awarded: 1.5 percent increase every three years, paired with an annual performance evaluation score of at least 4.2. There is no maximum number of increases an employee can receive.
WHEREAS, the Illinois Council of Police Union has been recognized as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for employees in the Lake County Animal Care and Control Unit; and
WHEREAS, the parties have reached a tentative agreement on a successor contract; and
WHEREAS, the County Board holds the final approval to ratify the terms of the tentative agreement reached.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this the County Board of Lake County, that the Chair of the Board is hereby authorized to sign the Collective Bargaining Agreement attached hereto and make a part of this Resolution; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Agreement shall be effective from December 1, 2021 through November 30, 2025 consistent with the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act 5ILCS 315/21.
DATED at Waukegan, Illinois on March 14, 2023.