Resolution ratifying a service agreement with First Communications, LLC, Akron, Ohio, for one-year in an amount not to exceed $65,000 for an emergency procurement to transform a portion of the County’s telecommunication services slated for decommission.
Staff Summary
• Lake County maintains several telecommunication services using both copper and internet data infrastructure.
• Recent legislative and regulatory changes in the telecommunications industry have authorized carriers to remove or discontinue various services that rely on copper infrastructure to both private and public customers.
• Enterprise Information Technology was informed that several of the County’s telecommunication services using copper infrastructure would be discontinued effective September 1, 2021.
• The discontinuation of these telecommunication services would cause severe disruption of County services.
• Enterprise Information Technology worked with First Communications, LLC, to identify a solution that prevents severe disruption of governmental services.
• Pursuant to the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance Article 6, Section 103, emergency procurements are made when there exists a threat to public health, welfare, or safety or to prevent or minimize serious disruption of governmental services.
WHEREAS, this resolution ratifies a service agreement with First Communications, LLC, for one-year in an amount not to exceed $65,000 for an emergency procurement to transform a portion of the County’s telecommunication services slated for decommission; and
WHEREAS, recent legislative and regulatory changes in the telecommunications industry has authorized carriers to remove or discontinue various services that rely on copper infrastructure to both private and public customers; and
WHEREAS, Lake County maintains several telecommunications services using both copper and internet data infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, Enterprise Information Technology was advised that several of the County’s telecommunication services using copper infrastructure would be discontinued effective September 1, 2021; and
WHEREAS, the discontinuation of these telecommunication services would cause severe disruption of County services; and
WHEREAS, Enterprise Information Technology worked with First Communications, LLC, to identify a solution that prevents severe disruption of governmental services; and
WHEREAS, Pursuant to the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance Article 6, Section 103, emergency procurements are made when there exists a threat to public health, welfare, or safety or to prevent or minimize serious disruption of governmental services; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the emergency procurement authorized by, and effectuated through, the Purchasing Agent for a one-year service agreement with First Communications, LLC, in the amount not to exceed $65,000 is hereby ratified.
DATED at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, on September 14, 2021.