Resolution ratifying a contract with Ebben Masonry, Wauconda, Illinois for the Adult Probation window lintel repairs in an estimated amount of $39,230.
Staff Summary
• It was reported to Facilities and Construction Services that a piece of limestone had fallen from the 2nd floor windows of the Adult Probation building.
• During a follow up inspection, the windows along the north side of the building were identified as being cracked and failing.
• On July 27, 2021, the Director of Facilities and Construction declared an emergency for the repair work on the Adult Probation building.
• In accordance with Article 6-103 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, emergency procurements are made when a threat exists to public health, welfare, or safety, or to prevent or minimize serious disruption of government services.
• The selected contractor has the experience and expertise to perform the repair work.
• The contractor selected to provide emergency repair services was Ebben Masonry, Wauconda, Illinois, in the amount of $39,230.
WHEREAS, the Lake County Adult Probation building, located at 215 Water St, Waukegan, Il, is an essential function of the 19th District Court; and
WHEREAS, it was determined that emergency repair work was needed along the north side of the building; and
WHEREAS, on July 27, 2021, in accordance with Article 6-103 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, the Director of Facilities and Construction declared that an emergency existed and certified an emergency procurement; and
WHEREAS, a contract with Ebben Masonry, Wauconda, Illinois, in the amount of $39,230, have been awarded to make the necessary repairs.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the Purchasing Agent was authorized to enter into a contract with Ebben Masonry, Wauconda, Illinois, for Adult Probation window lintel repairs in an estimated amount of $39,230.
DATED at Waukegan, Illinois, on September 14, 2021.