Resolution authorizing execution of a memorandum of understanding between Lake County, the United Way of Lake County and Bowman Systems regarding the merger of ServicePoint® and CommunityPoint® data into a single database.
Staff Summary
• The United Way of Lake County, with the support of Lake County government, developed and maintained FindHelpLakeCounty.org, a web-based information and referral database, using a system called CommunityPoint® from Bowman Systems.
• Lake County, under requirements from federal homeless programs, developed and maintained a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) using a system called ServicePoint® from Bowman Systems.
• The databases for these systems are identical, but maintained on two separate servers, resulting in burdensome dual maintenance for participating agencies.
• Bowman Systems, Lake County, and the United Way have worked to develop a solution that merges the two databases into one jointly owned database, without affecting responsibility or access.
• A memorandum of understanding, which the United Way of Lake County has already executed, is required.
WHEREAS, Lake County and the United Way of Lake County are partners in the development and maintenance of FindHelpLakeCounty.org; and
WHEREAS, Lake County maintains a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) per federal requirements; and
WHEREAS, the underlying software for both of these solutions developed by Bowman Systems uses a common database; and
WHEREAS, a merger of the two databases into a single database will result in a more efficient operation and enhance the viability of the solutions; and
WHEREAS, Lake County wishes to approve the merger and resultant impact of joint ownership in a memorandum of understanding with the United Way of Lake County and Bowman Systems.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that a memorandum of understanding between Lake County, Bowman Systems, and the United Way of Lake County is hereby approved and adopted, and that the County Board Chairman is hereby authorized to sign said memorandum and any related documents on behalf of the County.
DATED at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, on January 17, 2012.