Resolution authorizing a contract with Maneval Construction, Grayslake, IL for the renovation of parking lots one through four at the Belvidere Medical Building (BMB), 2400 Belvidere Road, Waukegan, IL in the amount of $418,392.
Staff Summary
· The parking lot renovation is part of the campus master plan adopted in 2007.
· Parking lots one through four are in poor condition with poor traffic control and sidewalk systems have marginal lighting.
· An invitation to bid for the parking lot renovation was extended to 38 vendors.
· Sealed bids were received from four local firms, one bid was determined to be non-responsive, the three responsive and responsible bids ranged from $418,392 to $571,365.
· Funding, in the amount of $300,000, for this project was approved as part of the 2013 CCIP Facility Assessment with an additional $118,392 to be funded through unallocated CCIP for FY13.
· Maneval Construction, Grayslake, IL, is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder who best meets the needs of the County for a cost of $418,392.
WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 4-102 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, bids were called for parking lot renovation at the Belvidere Medical Building (BMB), 2400 Belvidere Road, Waukegan, IL; and
WHEREAS, subsequent to said publication, an Invitation to Bid was extended to 38 vendors; and
WHEREAS, sealed bids were received from four local vendors and opened at the Central Permit Facility, Libertyville, Illinois, on July 25, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.; and
WHEREAS, the current parking lots are in poor condition with poor traffic control and sidewalk systems have marginal lighting; and
WHEREAS, based on the criteria set forth in the Invitation to Bid; the staff evaluated the bid submittals and determined that the bid submitted by Maneval Construction, Grayslake, IL in the amount of $418,392, is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder that best meets the needs of the County.
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