Joint resolution authorizing the execution of all necessary documents concerning implementation of the 2011 Annual Action Plan.
Staff Summary
· On March 15, the County Board approved the 2011 Annual Action Plan in order to be eligible for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding, Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) funding, and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding.
· The commencement date for the County's 2011 Annual Action Plan is May 1, 2011.
· While the federal appropriations process for CDBG, HOME and ESG funding is severely delayed, it is recommended the County proceed with preparation and execution of the necessary documents to allow for a May 1 implementation.
· Upon notification of funding awards a second joint resolution will be presented authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount awarded.
WHEREAS, the Lake County Board previously approved the submittal of an Annual Action Plan as application for Community Development Block Grant funding, Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) funding, and Emergency Solutions Grant funding; and
WHEREAS, the United States Congress has not yet passed an appropriations bill under which these programs would receive funding; and
WHEREAS, the federal appropriations process for CDBG, HOME and ESG funding is severely delayed, it is recommended the County proceed with preparation and execution of the necessary documents to allow for a May 1 implementation; and
WHEREAS, upon notification of funding awards a second joint resolution will be presented authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount awarded.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lake County Board Chairman or his designee is hereby authorized to execute the necessary documents to administer the programs in the 2011 Annual Action Plan, including subrecipient agreements.