Discussion of an ordinance amending Chapter 94: Public Nuisances of the Lake County, Illinois Code of Ordinances regulating open burning of landscape waste.
Staff Summary
• Over the past 2 years, the Planning, Building and Development Department have explored options for permanent open burning restrictions and landscape waste disposal and has sought and received significant public input on this topic.
• Based on direction received at the August 4, 2021 Joint Public Works, Planning & Transportation (PWPT) and Energy & Environment (E&E) Committee meeting, staff presented a draft set of text amendments restricting the open burning of landscape waste in the unincorporated areas to the PWPT Committee for consideration at its September 1, 2021 meeting.
• Staff will present the details on the revised amendments for Committee discussion prior to bringing the amendments back to Committee for recommendation and forward to the County Board for final action.
• If the County Board approves the ordinance, the regulations would take effect June 1, 2022.