Joint resolution appropriating $20,000 of Matching Tax funds for cellular service to communicate with various Lake County Division of Transportation field assets, including traffic signals, cameras, various field elements, and integrate with Lake County PASSAGE.
Staff Summary
• The Lake County Division of Transportation and the Lake County PASSAGE Intelligent Transportation System gather data from traffic signals, cameras, and various field elements to manage traffic operations, snow and ice maintenance operations, and provide the public with accurate and real-time information to make informed travel decisions.
• This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program and designated as Section 25-00000-18-GM.
WHEREAS, the Lake County Division of Transportation desires to utilize cellular service to communicate with various field assets throughout the County; and
WHEREAS, the Lake County Division of Transportation and the Lake County PASSAGE Intelligent Transportation System gathers data from traffic signals, cameras, and various field elements to manage traffic operations, snow and ice maintenance operations, and provide the public with accurate and real-time information to make informed travel decisions; and
WHEREAS, an appropriation of funds is required.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that an appropriation in the amount of $20,000 of Matching Tax funds for cellular service to communicate with various field assets throughout the County and integrate with Lake County PASSAGE is hereby authorized, and designated as Section 25-00000-18-GM.
DATED at Waukegan, Illinois, on October 8, 2024.