Resolution presenting and requesting approval of the 2010 Lake County State Legislative Program.
WHEREAS, your Revenue, Records and Legislation Committee has solicited legislative proposals from elected officials and department heads and prepared a Lake County Legislative Program for the 2010 session of the Illinois General Assembly; and
WHEREAS, the proposed Lake County 2010 Legislative Program encompasses a variety of recommendations designed to upgrade the efficiency and effectiveness of county government in Lake County and throughout the state; and
WHEREAS, the Revenue, Records and Legislation Committee seeks your approval of the 2010 Lake County State Legislative Program.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the 2010 Lake County State Legislative Program is hereby approved, a copy of which program is attached hereto and made part hereof; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this County Board does hereby approve and support those efforts necessary to draft, introduce, and support legislation designed to implement the objectives of this program, with those efforts to be executed by the County Administrator in coordination with the Chair of the County Board and the Chair of the Revenue, Records and Legislation Committee; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that because of the unique and often unpredictable timing by which actions occur in the General Assembly, the County Administrator, in coordination with the Chair of the County Board and the Chair of the Revenue, Records and Legislation Committee, is hereby authorized and directed to take all appropriate actions regarding other legislative proposals that may impact upon Lake County government.
DATED at WAUKEGAN, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS this 8th day of December, A.D., 2009.