Joint resolution for the execution of an amendment to the agreement between the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and Lake County for the development of the Lake County 2040 Transportation Plan and extends the agreement expiration date to June 30, 2012.
Staff Summary
· Lake County 2040 Transportation Plan: Amendment 1 CMAP Agreement.
· This agreement provides for the county to receive 80% reimbursement for the costs of developing this plan.
· The original completion date in the CMAP funding agreement is June 30, 2011.
· Amendment No. 1 provides for the completion date to be extended to June 30, 2012.
WHEREAS, the State of Illinois has federal funding available to the CMAP for carrying out highway planning throughout the metropolitan area; and
WHEREAS, the CMAP and Lake County by prior resolution at its County Board meeting of September 16, 2009, entered into an agreement for the use of federal highway funds for the development of the Lake County 2040 Transportation Plan; and
WHEREAS, the CMAP and Lake County are desirous of extending the agreement expiration date to June 30, 2012, to provide adequate time to complete the above said plan.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chair of the Lake County Board, the County Clerk, and the County Engineer of Lake County are authorized, and they are directed to execute, an amendment to the agreement pertaining to the development of the Lake County 2040 Transportation Plan, said amendment extending the agreement expiration date to June 30, 2012. The County Engineer shall transmit in writing the final amendment to be executed by the Chair of the Lake County Board and the County Clerk.
DATED at Waukegan, Illinois, on May 10, 2011.