Ordinance amending the Solid Waste Hauling and Recycling Ordinance.
Staff Summary
· Lake County has been a leader in Illinois in both solid waste planning and implementation of material diversion programs.
· The Lake County Board adopted the 2009 Solid Waste Management Plan Update for Lake County on April 13, 2010.
· In an effort to consider solutions for increasing waste diversion through recycling, the Lake County Board adopted the 60% Recycling Task Force report on March 28, 2012.
· The Public Works and Transportation Committee and the Financial and Administrative Committee have reviewed and discussed proposed amendments to the Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance in order to incorporate recommendations from the 60% Recycling Taskforce Report.
WHEREAS, the County of Lake has adopted a Solid Waste Management Plan on September 12, 1989, most recently amended on April 10, 2010; and
WHEREAS, said Solid Waste Management Plan was adopted pursuant to the requirements of the Illinois Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act (415 ILCS 15/1 et seq); and
WHEREAS, the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act requires the County to adopt and implement a recycling program throughout the County; and
WHEREAS, the County of Lake has updated its Solid Waste Management Plan, which required a task force be convened by July 1, 2010 to investigate, evaluate and develop recommendations for realistically achieving a 60% recycling rate by 2020; and
WHEREAS, the County of Lake and the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County appointed a 27 member task force in June 2010 and the task force developed the 60% Recycling Task Force Report on October 12, 2011, which included requiring haulers to include recycling services in single family residence contracts, requiring haulers offer volume-based pricing, and requiring diversion of seventy-five percent (75%) of all Construction and Demolition Debris generated by Covered Projects; and
WHEREAS, the Lake County Board approved the re...
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