A Resolution seeking a reduction in the average assessed market value of the real estate located in a vacated right-of-way in Waukegan Township. The applicant is Milka Velaga.
Staff Summary
· At the January 27th Planning, Building and Zoning Committee meeting, the Committee considered a request by Ms. Milka Velaga to reduce the assessed fair market value of a vacated right-of-way from 100% ($2,216) to 66% ($1,463).
· At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee determined that there were no extenuating circumstances associated with the right-of-way that warranted a reduction in the value of the right-of-way; subsequently, the Committee denied the applicant’s request for the reduction.
· The State’s Attorneys Office has advised staff that a resolution related to this request must be processed in the same manner as the vacation request; which requires action by the County Board. A resolution has been prepared in accordance with that directive for official action by the Committee.
WHEREAS, Milka Velaga is record owner of land adjacent an unimproved alley and has filed a petition with the Department of Planning, Building and Development to vacate a portion of an alley located in the unincorporated area of Lake County; and
WHEREAS, the County Board has adopted a methodology and fee schedule to be used by the Department of Planning, Building and Development to determine the value of real estate when vacating public rights-of-way, and
WHEREAS, the methodology requires that the Vacation Officer determine the value of the real estate using 100 percent of the average assessed market value of the real estate adjacent to the vacated right-of-way; and
WHEREAS, when applying the formula and methodology adopted by the County Board, the Vacation Officer has determined that the purchase price of the vacated alley is $2,216.00; and
WHEREAS, the petitioner has stated that because of extenuating circumstances the average assessed market value of the r...
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