Resolution authorizing the appointment of William Panos as County Administrator.
Staff Summary
• The position for a county administrator was advertised nationally; 44 applicants submitted their credentials for consideration. William Panos was one of the top applicants interviewed by County Board selection panel and Lake County department heads.
• The County Board panel has selected and recommends the appointment of Wiliam Panos as County Administrator.
• Mr. Panos is a graduate of California State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Forensic Science.
• This resolution seeks County Board confirmation for the appointment of William Panos to the position of County Administrator, effective July 15, 2019.
WHEREAS, a nationwide search was conducted to develop a list of qualified candidates to fill the vacant position of County Administrator; and
WHEREAS, during this search, 44 applicants from across the country submitted their credentials for consideration; and
WHEREAS, following the initial screening process, interviews were conducted with five candidates, with two candidates being invited back for a second round of interviews; and
WHEREAS, following the second round of interviews, additional discussions were conducted with William T. Panos of Laramie County; and
WHEREAS, as Chairman of the County Board, I herewith present my recommendation for the appointment of William T. Panos as County Administrator to serve in said position at the pleasure of the County Board.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that William T. Panos be appointed County Administrator at an annual salary of $225,000, with other terms and conditions of employment outlined in the Offer Letter (attached hereto and made part hereof): and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said appointment shall take effect on July 15, 2019.
DATED, at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, on this 9th day of July A.D., 2019.