Joint committee authorization to approve Change Orders No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 for construction changes on the FY 2009 Maintenance Facility Facade Renovation Project.
Staff Summary
• This project provides for renovation of a 22,500 square foot metal building that houses the department's trucks, equipment and materials used for sewer and water system maintenance and repairs.
• The original scope included renovation of the exterior facade including siding repair, window and gutter replacement and painting and was awarded to MGG Enterprises Corporation of Chicago, IL in the amount of $65,664.
• This additional work includes three items. One, is the repair and replacement of structural framing that was determined to need refurbishment once the exterior facade was removed. Two, the building brick requires sealing to protect it from high salt exposure. Three, a new containment area must be constructed to improve the visual view from Winchester Road based on complaints and comments received from Libertyville Village officials and the public.
• Change Orders No.1 thru No. 3 have been initiated for a net amount of $29,008.60.
• The addition of Change Orders No. 1 thru No. 3 increases the contract amount from $65,664.00 to $94,672.60 (44.18% of contract amount).
• Change orders that exceed 10% of the total contract amount must be approved by the Public Works & Transportation and Finance & Administration Committees.