Joint resolution authorizing the execution of a contract for professional services for the provision of signal system enhancements including the provision of a fully functional and integrated traffic signal system and equipment upgrade at a maximum cost of services described of $2,212,000; and appropriates $2,500,000 of the ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation and Public Safety funds and designated as Section 09-00268-08-TL.
Staff Summary
· Lake County PASSAGE, Phase 3, Design and Integration Services: Consultant Agreement and Appropriation
· The Phase 3 work includes expansion of the fiber optic network, provision for redundancy to the existing system, traffic response plans and the provision and evaluation of wireless communications.
· Lake County has a satisfactory working relationship with Delcan Corporation, Schaumburg, IL., under the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act.
· This resolution authorizes the execution of professional services agreement with Delcan Corporation, for design of Phase 3 of Lake County PASSAGE and appropriates $2,500,000 of the ¼% Sales Tax for Transportation and Public Safety fund.
· This design work includes engineering for the 2 CMAQ funded interconnect segments to be constructed in 2009 and the main field contract in 2009/2010.
WHEREAS, Lake County PASSAGE is a cooperative initiative of IDOT and Lake County to implement the federal initiative for the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) in Lake County; and
WHEREAS, Lake County by and through its Division of Transportation and in cooperation with IDOT now desires to proceed with Phase 3 enhancements to PASSAGE; and
WHEREAS, Phase 3 of PASSAGE will provide for the expansion of the fiber optic network, provide redundancy to the existing system, create traffic response plans, and evaluate and provide the wireless communications; and
WHEREAS, Lake County has received federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funding f...
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