, Title
Committee endorsement is requested to approve a Letter of Intent and Concurrence for Lake, Kane and Will Counties to participate in an Advance Funding Agreement involving IDOT Surface Transportation Program-Counties federal funds for SFY2009.
Staff Summary
• Surface Transportation Program-Counties (STP-C): SFY2009 Advance Funding Proposal (Conceptual Approval).
• Federal STP-C funds are programmed by the counties of Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will.
• Lake County DOT staff serves as the County Programmer to coordinate among the counties, IDOT and CMAP.
• The counties generally accumulate an IDOT STP-C program balance to construct projects.
• With the upcoming expiration of SAFETEA-LU on 9/30/09, any balances might be subject to recessions and thus permanently lost, and advance funding is used to avoid this possibility.
• Lake and Will County have balances while Kane County has a federally eligible project ready for the April letting.
• If the concept is approved, Lake County DOT will draft the intergovernmental agreement among the 3 counties.