Ordinance amending the Lake County Liquor Control Ordinance to increase the days to apply for a license under Chapter 111.045, License is a Privilege.
Staff Summary
• The Lake County Board adopted the Lake County Liquor Control Ordinance for unincorporated Lake County on February 14, 1984.
• The Lake County Liquor Commission recommends increasing the days from 30 to 90 for the personal representative to apply for a license following the death of the licensee.
• The Lake County Liquor Commission recommends changing the language under Chapter 111.045 to “shall apply for a license within 90 days following the death of the licensee.”
WHEREAS, The Lake County Board adopted the Lake County Liquor Control Ordinance for unincorporated Lake County on February 14, 1984; and
WHEREAS, The Lake County Liquor Commission recommends increasing the days from 30 to 90 for the personal representative to apply for a license following the death of the licensee.
WHEREAS, The Lake County Liquor Commission recommends changing the language under Chapter 111.045 to “shall apply for a license within 90 days following the death of the licensee.”
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that amendments to the Lake County Liquor Control Ordinance be adopted and be made effective immediately.
DATED, at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, on February 9, 2021.