New Grants and Donations for Primary Care Services - Koppit
Target Corporation Funding for Reach Out and Read Program
The Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center (LCHD/CHC) received notification from the Target Corporation, that it will receive a grant in the amount of $5,000 to support the Reach Out and Read program.
Reach Out and Read is a program that makes literacy and reading aloud part of the health care that health center Providers deliver to young children every day. Through the program, doctors and nurses help parents understand that a healthy childhood needs to include picture books and exposure to the written word. If children grow up hearing stories, handling books, and associating books with pleasant affectionate times spent together with a parent, those children are much more likely to be ready to learn to read when they get to school.
The new funding will be used to purchase books for the Reach Out and Read program.
Illinois Department of Public Health, Ticket for the Cure
Community Grant Program $25,000 Grant Funding
The Illinois Department of Public Health has awarded the Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center (LCHD/CHC) an additional $25,000 in funding to support outreach activities that promote the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program. The funds will be utilized in the Lake County IBCCP to achieve the following goals:
? Increase community awareness about breast cancer and breast cancer screening;
? Educate healthcare providers and the community about breast cancer and breast cancer screening;
? Increase the number of women receiving screening mammograms.
The LCHD/CHC will use the funds for a portion of Lake County IBCCP staff positions, promotional items and print and billboard advertising. A total of $10,418 will be used in Fiscal Year 2008 and $14,582 in Fiscal Year 2009.
Kraft Foods Salsa, Sabor y Salud $25,000 Grant
The Lake County Health Department and Community ...
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