Resolution opposing the inclusion of certain properties within the Army Corps of Engineers’ Des Plaines River Phase 2 Flood Mitigation Plan.
Staff Summary
· As part of its Des Plaines River Phase 2 Flood Mitigation Plan, the Army Corps of Engineers has recommended the conversion of the Didier Farm and adjoining Hoffman property to a flood mitigation reservoir.
· These properties are currently used for local food production, agricultural education and agricultural tourism, consistent with the Lake County Board’s Strategic Plan policy of supporting local food.
· The Army Corps Plan is also in direct conflict with the Lake County Regional Framework Plan’s future land use map and the Buffalo Grove Comprehensive Plan for future development of the properties.
· The Stormwater Management Commission (SMC) has previously submitted comments to the Army Corps recommending alternative sites and engineering methods in lieu of conversion of the subject properties for flood mitigation.
· The attached County Board resolution objects to the Army Corps’ flood mitigation plan for the subject properties, supports the SMC plan to further study alternatives, and requests that the public comment be extended to ensure that the County Board resolution be made part of the public record.
WHEREAS, the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission “Commission” is a unit of local government created statutorily pursuant to ILCS (55 ILCS 5/5-1062); and
WHEREAS, the Commission has a long history in the Des Plaines River Watershed, of flood mitigation planning, engineering and construction activities providing benefit to the residents and businesses in both Lake County and downstream; and
WHEREAS, the Commission, along with Kenosha County, Wisconsin; Cook County, IL Dept of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps); are all partners in the Upper Des Plaines Rive...
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