Joint resolution authorizing Lake County Partners to execute all necessary documents in order to qualify for a $50,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce to help fund the creation of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy.
Staff Summary
· Lake County created Lake County Partners to represent the County in matters pertaining to economic development.
· Lake County Partners seeks to create a long-term strategy for economic development in the County.
· Lake County Partners applied for a grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce to assist in the development of the economic development strategy.
· The U.S. Department of Commerce is considering Lake County Partners’ grant application and requested this resolution from the Lake County Board.
WHEREAS, the Lake County Board created Lake County Partners (hereafter referred to as “LCP”) with a joint resolution dated January 13, 1998, which authorized LCP to represent Lake County in matters pertaining to economic development;
WHEREAS, LCP seeks to create a “Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy” (hereafter referred to as “CEDS”), to guide long-term objectives for Lake County’s economic development;
WHEREAS, LCP seeks to follow the CEDS standards designed by the U. S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (hereafter referred to as “EDA”), in order to qualify for future government funding of priority economic development initiatives;
WHEREAS, LCP has applied to EDA for a grant to fund a portion of the expected cost of the CEDS creation;
WHEREAS, EDA is considering LCP’s grant application for approval, and has requested receipt of a resolution from the Lake County Board;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lake County Board authorizes Lake County Partners to a) take all necessary actions to seek approval of a grant, on behalf of the County of Lake, from the U. S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA), in order to fund a portion of ...
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