Ordinance adopting amendments to the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance.
Staff Summary
· In response to widespread cases of property damage due to flooding in the Fox River watershed, SMC proposes an amendment to the Watershed Development Ordinance that allows the repair of properties with up to four (4) inches of topsoil (top dressing) after a documented flood event with evidence of subsidence on the property.
· SMC’s Technical Advisory Committee approved this amendment on August 21st. A 60-day public comment period was held, with revisions based on two (2) comments. SMC approved the amendment on November 6th.
· SMC requests Planning, Building and Zoning Committee and County Board approval.
WHEREAS, the Lake County Board established the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance for the purpose of establishing minimum countywide standards for new development in order to minimize flooding and water quality impacts and the associated economic impacts, and to provide for the development of uniform drainage and stormwater management practices in Lake County; and
WHEREAS, the Lake County Board did adopt the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance (WDO) effective October 18, 1992 and amended same on July 12, 1994, August 10, 1999, October 10, 2000, August 14, 2001, November 8, 2005; January 10, 2006 and October 10, 2006, and
WHEREAS, due to repetitive flood damage to properties that is causing subsidence to said properties, the WDO is proposed to be amended to allow the repair of the subsidence; and
WHEREAS, the Commission met on November 6, 2008 and voted to recommend the amendments to the County Board detailed in Exhibit 1, attached hereto and made part hereof.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois that the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance is hereby amended, with said amendments as recommended by the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission as detailed in Exhibit 1.
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