Joint Resolution authorizing the continuation of the State’s Attorney’s Prosecutor-Based Victim Services grant program (Agreement #208077) awarded by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for the time period October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009.
Staff Summary
· Funding for this Prosecutor-Based Victim Services grant began in 1991 and has been renewed each year.
· The purpose of the grant is to continue funding for victim assistance counselor services; to develop and implement comprehensive victim witness services and support related to the criminal justice system; to encourage the involvement and presence of violent crime victims during court proceedings; educate and inform them on the court process & procedures while providing emotional support; and provide them with direct services; to accompany victims to court and keep them informed of the defendant’s status; provide assistance with completing compensation claims; and provide appropriate referrals to victims as necessary.
· Sources of program funding (one year) include: Federal funds $45,482, Matching funds $11,371, County Overmatch $148,878 for a total program cost of $205,731.
WHEREAS, the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority has announced the continuation of a 12 month grant for the State’s Attorney’s Prosecutor-Based Victim Services program to provide advocacy services to victims of violent crimes during the period October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009; and
WHEREAS, the grant program will fund a portion of salary for a full-time (job-shared) victim assistance counselor in the Felony Review Division, and a portion of salary for a full-time Spanish speaking counselor in the Felony Trial Division; and
WHEREAS, the grant budget of $152,657 for grant-allocated salary, fringe and indirect cost is comprised of $45,482 in federal funds, $7,755 State’s Attorney Asset Forfeiture account funds, and $99,420 from the State’s Attorney’s budget; and
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