Resolution providing for appointments to the Lake County Water Supply Advisory Committee.
WHEREAS, the Lake County Board selected Water Supply Planning as one of its top Strategic Initiatives for 2008 and 2009; and
WHEREAS, there is a need for a representative group to coordinate and effectively work together on the varied water supply planning efforts and water supply issues affecting Lake County communities; and
WHEREAS, a previous resolution established the Lake County Water Supply Advisory Committee, the membership categories, initial membership, and a draft work plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the following are recommended for appointment to the Lake County Water Supply Advisory Committee to serve alternating two and three year terms as follows, and the same is hereby confirmed.
1. Lake County Board Member Bonnie Thomson Carter, representing the County - term expires 12/1/2012.
2. Lake County Board Member Anne Maine, serving as Co Chair - term expires 12/01/2011.
3. Village President Kevin Richardson, Lake Barrington, private well supply And serving as Co Chair - term expires 12/1/2012.
4. Village President Maria Rodriguez, Long Grove, private well supply term expires 12/1/2011.
5. Village President Susanne Branding, Lake Zurich, community groundwater supply term expires 12/1/2012.
6. Village President Burnell Russell, Volo, community groundwater supply - term expires 12/1/2011.
7. Village President Susan Lahr, Lindenhurst, community groundwater supply term expires 12/1/2012.
8. Mayor Michael Belsky, Highland Park, lake water producer/user - term expires 12/1/2011.
9. Village President Richard Hill, Round Lake Beach, lake water user - term expires 12/1/2012.
10. Alderman Anthony Figueroa, Waukegan, lake water producer/user - term expires 12/1/2011
11. Greg Koeppen, Lake County Farm Bureau, at large member - term expires 12/1/2012.
12. Lenore Beyer-Clow, Openlands...
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