Ordinance providing for the establishment of the terms of office for County Board Members to be elected on November 6, 2012 and thereafter until the next decennial reapportionment.
WHEREAS, Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 55, Section 5/2-3001, et seq. requires the County Board to reapportion the County by July 1 every ten years; and
WHEREAS, the Reapportionment Committee of the Lake County Board recommended a reapportion plan that establishes 21 County Board Districts; and
WHEREAS, the County Board approved the reapportionment plan, terms of office and method of compensation for Board Members at its meeting on June 14, 2011; and
WHEREAS, one of the decennial reapportionment obligations of the Lake County Board is to establish the terms of the office for those Board Members to be elected on November 6, 2012 and thereafter until the next decennial reapportionment is required (said obligation to occur no later than September 1 of the year of the next general election following reapportionment); and
WHEREAS, the methods to be used to establish said terms of office are provided in 55 ILCS 5/2-3009; and
WHEREAS, the Lake County State’s Attorney has issued an opinion dated August 12, 1992 relative to this process.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois that:
1. The Lake County Board Districts shall be divided publicly by lot into three (3) groups as equally as possible. To wit, one group shall contain seven (7) Districts; a second group shall contain seven (7) Districts; and a third group shall contain seven (7) Districts.
2. Each Lake County Board District shall be identified by its number. Balls, inscribed with the number of each Lake County Board District, shall be placed in an opaque container. The container holding all of the twenty-one (21) balls shall be thoroughly mixed by the Chief Judge of the 19th Judicial Circuit, Fred Foreman. Judge Foreman shall randomly draw out each inscribed ball fro...
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