Joint ordinance establishing compensation for the Lake County Board.
Staff Summary
* On October 12, 2021, the Lake County Board took action to establish Board Members' compensation as an annual salary.
* After a reapportionment plan is established, Illinois statute requires the County Board to establish the method of compensation.
* The method of compensation for the Board Members shall be on an annual basis and shall be as outlined in the attached ordinance.
* The proposed 2023 salary for County Board Members will remain the same as the 2022 salary.
* Following additional review and comment, a revised Ordinance has been prepared that delineates the salaries for the Board Members and Chairperson for each year of the terms of office.
WHEREAS, the November 8, 2022 General Election will provide for the election of all County Board members with terms to begin in December 2022; and
WHEREAS, Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 55, Section 5/4-10001 requires County Board member compensation to be set before the general election at which County Board members are elected; and
WHEREAS, Illinois Compiles Statutes, Chapter 55, Section 5/2-3008, also requires at the time of reapportionment, that the County Board shall fix the amount of that salary for those County Board members; and
WHEREAS, the Lake County Board approved at its October 12, 2021 meeting that the method of compensation for the Board Members shall be on an annual basis; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois that:
1. The compensation for the Board Members with four-year terms beginning in Fiscal Year 2023 shall be:
a. For the Fiscal Year 2023: $43,018 per annum
b. For the Fiscal Year 2024: $43,018 per annum
c. For the Fiscal Year 2025: $43,018 per annum
d. For the Fiscal Year 2026: $43,018 per annum
2. The compensation for the Board Members with two-year terms beginning in Fiscal Year 2023 shall be:
a. For the Fiscal Year ...
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