Resolution proclaiming the week of April 26 - May 2, 2009 as National Crime Victims Week.
WHEREAS, President Ronald W. Reagan first declared “National Crime Victims’ Rights Week” in 1981 to focus our Nation’s attention on the plight of crime victims; and
WHEREAS, National Crime Victims’ Rights Week provides a national opportunity to reflect on the devastating impact of crime and terrorism on victims and our entire Nation, and to strengthen our national resolve to ensure that victims’ needs are identified and addressed; and
WHEREAS, since 1981, the crime victim assistance field has expanded from a handful of assistance programs to include over 10,000 community and justice-based programs, and in 2005, there are more than 32,000 federal and state statutes that define and protect victims’ rights; and
WHEREAS, America as a Nation, and we as individuals and communities, recognize that justice isn’t served until crime victims are, that crime and violence in America affects us all, and that victims’ rights are a critical component of “justice for all;” and
WHEREAS, justice isn’t served until all crime victims and those hurt by crime - our mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, neighbors and friends - are provided support and assistance in the aftermath of victimization; and
WHEREAS, despite impressive accomplishments over the years in crime victims’ rights and services, there remain many challenges to ensure that all crime victims and survivors are treated with dignity and respect, recognized as key participants within our systems of justice, and afforded services that provide help and hope to them; and
WHEREAS, America as a Nation recognizes that we serve justice by serving victims of crime and that by helping victims and survivors of crime, we help make our homes and neighborhoods, communities and Nation stronger, safer and more secure; and
WHEREAS, America has joined together annually to recognize the needs and r...
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