Joint resolution authorizing execution of a Memorandum of Understanding regarding sanitary sewer connection fees with the North Shore Sanitary District for the fairgrounds properties.
Staff Summary
· The County entered an Agreement for Sewage Disposal effective March 21, 1994 with the North Shore Sanitary District (NSSD), which Agreement was last amended October 9, 2007.
· The County and NSSD have mutually agreed to allow the transfer of Population Equivalents from the former Lake County Fairgrounds site to the future fairgrounds site for the purpose of connection fee calculations.
· The parties have agreed that connection fee charges shall be based on the incremental increase in population equivalents between the former fairgrounds site and the future fairgrounds site and to memorialize this understanding in a Memorandum of Understanding.
· This resolution authorizes the director of Public Works to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the North Shore Sanitary District for the fairground properties.
WHEREAS, the County entered into an Agreement for Sewage Disposal effective March 21, 1994, with the North Shore Sanitary District (NSSD), which Agreement was last amended on October 9, 2007; and
WHEREAS, the Amended Agreement for Sewage Disposal provides that NSSD will perform the function of sewage treatment for the County in the Northeast Central Area (including both the Former Fairgrounds and Future Fairgrounds sites) subject to certain fees and conditions; and
WHEREAS, the Amended Agreement for Sewage Disposal provides that any new use shall be subject to a Connection Charge based on the permitted sewage flow from the new use; and
WHEREAS, the County and the NSSD (Parties) have mutually agreed to allow the transfer of Population Equivalents from the Former Lake County Fairgrounds site to the Future Fairgrounds site; and
WHEREAS, the Parties agree that the transfer of Population Equivalents from the Former Fairgrounds site to the Future F...
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