Resolution recognizing and designating June 17 through June 23 as Amateur Radio Week in Lake County.
WHEREAS, Amateur Radio operators are celebrating over a century of the miracle of the human voice broadcast over the airwaves; and
WHEREAS, Amateur Radio has continued to provide a bridge between peoples, societies and countries by creating friendships and fostering the sharing of ideas; and
WHEREAS, a dedicated group of Amateur Radio Operators have served Lake County and partner organizations through the Lake County Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES) and Lake County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) combined organization; and
WHEREAS, Amateur Radio Operators have also provided countless hours of community service, to Lake County and to many other organizations, both for emergencies and for planned events throughout these decades; and
WHEREAS, Lake County recognizes and appreciates the diligence of these “hams” who also serve as weather spotters in the National Weather Service “Skywarn” program; and
WHEREAS, these Amateur Radio services are provided wholly without financial compensation; and
WHEREAS, the State of Illinois also recognizes the services provided by the people of Amateur Radio, as evidenced by Governor Quinn having proclaimed Amateur Radio Week in Illinois; and
WHEREAS, the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the leading organization for Amateur Radio in the United States; and
WHEREAS, the ARRL Amateur Radio Field Day exercise will take place on June 22-23, 2013 and is a 24 hour emergency preparedness exercise and demonstration of the Radio Amateurs’ skills and readiness to provide self-supporting communications without further infrastructure being required.
Therefore, I Aaron Lawlor, Chairman of the County Board of Lake County, Illinois, do hereby officially recognize and designate June 17-23 as Amateur Radio Week in Lake County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illin...
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