Ordinance approving the repeal and replacement in entirety of certain sections of Chapter 35 and 70 of the Lake County Code of Ordinances, and County Board Resolution dated September 14, 2004.
Staff Summary
* On August 20, 2018, the Illinois Legislature enacted Public Act 100-0987, the Criminal and Traffic Assessment Act (CTAA), effective July 1, 2019.
* The CTAA, includes various provisions such as:
* establishing a minimum fine of $25 for certain offenses;
* provides when any defendant is convicted, pleads guilty, or placed on court supervision for a violation of a law or local ordinance the court shall order one schedule of assessments in the case plus any conditional assessment applicable to a conviction in the case; and
* provides that a defendant may petition the court for full or partial waiver of court assessments imposed under the Criminal and Traffic Assessment Act.
* As a result of the CTAA, Lake County's ordinance governing the fees and assessments that the Circuit Court Clerk may charge must be updated to reflect the changes mandated by the CTAA.
* Upon approval of this item and ordinance, the County of Lake, Illinois Code of Ordinances, Sections 35.15, 35.17, 35.19, 35.22, 35.23, 70.01 of the Lake County Code of Ordinances, and County Board Resolution dated September 14, 2004 will be repealed in their entireties and replaced.
WHEREAS, Chapter 35 of the Lake County, IL Code of Ordinances, along with a County Board Resolution dated September 14, 2004 effective December 1, 2004 currently set forth the fees authorized to be charged by the Lake County Circuit Court Clerk in both civil and criminal cases in Lake County; and
WHEREAS, the Illinois General Assembly passed comprehensive legislation in 2018, which completely overhauls the criminal, traffic, and civil fee structures in the circuit courts throughout the State of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the legislation was to consolidate fees into unified schedules f...
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