Joint resolution authorizing the emergency appropriation of a grant in the amount of $20,000 from the D.A.S. Charitable Fund for the Preservation of Feline Animal Life for use by the Sheriff's Office Canine Unit.
Staff Summary
* The D.A.S. Charitable Fund is a trust that provides grant funds for the care and training of canines.
* D.A.S. funds cannot be used to fund vehicles or police salaries and does not require matching funds.
* In November 2020, the Sheriff's Office submitted a grant request that covered a higher percentage of canine expenses related to the maintenance and training of our four canines. The grant covers annual expenses for veterinary services, food and kennel costs and training.
* The Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Grant of $20,000 represents an increase of one percent over the FY 2020 Grant of $19,800.
* The grants require quarterly reports be filed with the fund that inform them about our canine usage during the year.
WHEREAS, the Lake County Sheriff's Office has maintained a Canine Unit to assist in its daily operations; and,
WHEREAS, the Lake County Sheriff's Office has sought alternate means to assist in funding its Canine Unit and as a result has applied for and received grant funds from the D.A.S. Charitable Fund for the Preservation of Feline Life; and,
WHEREAS, the grant must be formally accepted by Lake County and the necessary appropriations and approvals made.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the Chairman of the Board, the Lake County Sheriff, and the Lake County Treasurer are hereby authorized to accept a grant provided by the D.A.S. Charitable Fund for the Preservation of Feline Life; and
BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED, that an emergency appropriation for the grant in the amount of $20,000 is hereby authorized as follows:
Amount Fund
$20,000 101-3001110-45330 (Grants - Other)
Amount Fund
$20,000 101-3002210-61040 (Operational Supplies)
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