Resolution recognizing the contributions of Bob Powers upon the completion of his service as a Member of the Lake County Board.
WHEREAS, Bob Powers has served as a Member of the Lake County Board, representing District 16, from December 2002 until December 2008; and
WHEREAS, Bob Powers has brought his experience and his knowledge of and interest in local government along with his passion as an affordable housing advocate to bear on a variety of Committees and activities while serving on the County Board; and
WHEREAS, in recognition of these abilities, Bob Powers was selected to serve in a variety of leadership positions, including Vice-Chair of the Community & Economic Development Committee from 2004 - 2006 and Vice-Chair of the Health & Human Services Committee from 2006 - 2008; and
WHEREAS, during his service on the Lake County Board, Bob Powers has also served as a member of the following County Board Committees: Health & Human Services; Community & Economic Development; Agenda Review; and Revenue, Records & Legislation; and
WHEREAS, Bob Powers served as Director of the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County, as a member of the Lake County Affordable Housing Commission and the Community Development Commission.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that we do hereby recognize and commend Bob Powers for his lifelong dedication to not only his own district, but for all people in need throughout Lake County; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we are indeed fortunate and honored to have known and worked with such an outstanding citizen and public servant; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Lake County Board does hereby extend its best wishes to Bob Powers as he pursues new challenges and opportunities, and offers, on behalf of all Lake County residents, its heartfelt thanks for a job consistently well done.
DATED, at WAUKEGAN, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, on this 18th day of November, A.D., 2008.