Resolution authorizing to enter into a contract for claims processing software maintenance for a five (5) year period subject to annual termination by Lake County with Computer Sciences Corporation, Philadelphia, PA in the amount of $195,000.
Staff Summary
• The Department of Human Resources has a bid-exempt requirement for claims processing software maintenance.
• Human Resources have used RiskMaster software developed by Computer Sciences Corporation of Philadelphia, PA to manage claims processing since 1982.
• In accordance with Article 6, Section 102 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, the Purchasing Agent convened an ad hoc review group that approved bid exemption on the basis of there is a sole source, proprietary procurement condition exists; the software maintenance is only available from the software developer.
• This contract will cost the County $195,000 for a five year period.
WHEREAS, the Department of Human Resources has a bid-exempt requirement for claims processing software maintenance; and
WHEREAS, Human Resources has used RiskMaster software to manage claims processing since 1982; and
WHEREAS, Computer Sciences Corporation of Philadelphia, PA is the software developer; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Article 6, Section 102 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, the Purchasing Agent convened an ad hoc review group that approved bid exemption on the basis of there is a sole source, proprietary procurement condition exists; the software maintenance is only available from the software developer; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the Purchasing Agent is authorized to negotiate and enter into a five year contract subject to annual termination by Lake County with Computer Sciences Corporation, Philadelphia, PA for claims processing software maintenance in the amount of $195,000 charged to account #101-1400010-71530.