Joint committee action approving Amendment No. 1 to Lake County Agreement #12148 for consulting for the Lake County Radio System.
Staff Summary
· On August 14, 2012, the Lake County Board authorized a contract with RCC Consultants, Woodridge, Illinois to provide consulting for the Lake County radio system project in the amount of $64,806.
· RCC has maintained a long standing relationship with the County since 2003 to provide guidance and expertise with radio system changes and Federal Communication Commission (FCC) mandates including the radio system reband project.
· RCC completed an assessment and needs analysis report of the current radio system infrastructure which reaches its end of life by December 2017.
· The report identified potential costs and procurement options for the County.
· Due to complexities and technical aspects associated with radio systems, additional services are required.
· Amendment No. 1 includes these additional services, including: development of a Request for Proposal (RFP), RFP evaluation assistance and contract negotiations assistance as part of the radio system project.
· Amendment No. 1 increases the dollar amount by $35,053, increasing the previous contract amount from $64,805 to a total of $99,858.
· In accordance with of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance it is hereby requested that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to execute Amendment No. 1 to Lake County Agreement #12148.
TO: Chair, Law and Judicial Committee
FROM: RuthAnne Hall, Purchasing Agent
DATE: May 7, 2013
RE: Contract Modification Agreement #12148
1. On August 14, 2012, the Lake County Board authorized a contract with RCC Consultants, Woodridge, Illinois to provide consulting for the Lake County Radio System Project in the amount of $64,805.
2. This amendment increases the dollar amount of the Agreement #12148 by $35,053, increasing the total from $64,805 to $99,858.
3. The amendment to the services includes specification development for the...
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