Resolution adopting the ‘Strategy for a Sustainable Lake County’ as Lake County’s Green Government guide.
Staff Summary
· The Lake County Board adopted a resolution in 2007 supporting Lake County’s participation in the Green Illinois Government Campaign and the Illinois Green Government Coordinating Council, and directed staff to research and develop a plan for Lake County.
· An internal staff committee representing all Lake County Departments and agencies has researched plans from many counties and cities and developed the ‘Strategy for a Sustainable Lake County’ that outlines the sustainability vision, goals and initiatives for Lake County.
· The plan was presented at the Committee of the Whole meeting earlier this year. Since that time, staff has sought funds from various sources within the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA). An adopted energy efficiency and conservation strategy is required to qualify for ARRA funding. Modifications to this plan may be necessary in the future to meet specific programmatic requirements for ARRA funding.
Whereas, on February 13, 2007, Lake County adopted a resolution supporting the public outreach initiatives of the Greening Illinois Government Campaign, sponsored by the Illinois Green Government Coordinating Council that offers innovative green strategies and policies for residents, employees, employers, and government agents, and;
Whereas, on February 13, 2007, Lake County adopted a resolution supporting the investigation of county staff methods to reduce energy consumption and take advantage of new green building construction techniques, while economically providing a clean, healthy, and safe environment for the citizens, customers, and employees of Lake County, and;
Whereas, Lake County wishes to continue its fiscal responsibility, strong financial policies and practices while extending its role as an environmental steward through sustainable practices and development, and;
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