Joint resolution authorizing the acceptance of a State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2023 Juvenile Justice Council (JJC) grant awarded to and by the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission (IJJC) through the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) to enhance and strengthen the Lake County JJC by the SAO, including an emergency appropriation of $55,740 in grant funds.
Staff Summary
* The Lake County JJC is a collaborative effort of many government and private agencies addressing juvenile justice procedures and programs.
* The JJC works to identify initiatives/areas in which attention or enhancement will benefit the County's JJC overall and the individuals involved.
* The SAO has been awarded a 12-month JJC Grant in the amount of $55,740 from the IJJC through the IDHS.
* The grant term is July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.
* The SAO will use the funds to enhance and strengthen the JJC through annual training, outreach and focusing on programs that are proactive in preventing delinquency.
* Grant program funding will support a contracted part-time JJC Coordinator, the creation and purchase of preventative/proactive printed materials, outreach supplies, training, and education.
* The source of funding for this JJC project is 100 percent grant funds; no County funding is required.
* If program funding is reduced or eliminated the program and staff will be eliminated.
WHEREAS, the Lake County State's Attorney's Office has applied for and has been awarded a SFY 2023 JJC Grant from the Illinois JJC through the Illinois DHS, for the period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, in the amount of $55,740; and
WHEREAS, the Lake County State's Attorney's Office will use this funding to
enhance and strengthen the JJC through training, outreach, and focusing on programs that are proactive in preventing delinquency; and
WHEREAS, the JJC Grant is in the amount of $55,740 and it is necessary to,
appropriate this amount; and
WHEREAS, the State's Attorney'...
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